The Faculty of Dental Medicine at MU-Sofia welcomed representatives of the partner medical university “Grigore T. Popa” – Romania in the framework of a new project for cooperation between the two schools and the University “Nicolae Testemitanu” – Moldova, which is ruled out under the auspices of AUF – Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie. .
The planned project activities include conducting 4 training modules online and one video conference. Two teachers from the Bulgarian side have been appointed to lead part of the trainings on the project – assoc. prof. Natalia Gateva and assoc. prof. Asya Krasteva. About 20 French-speaking students are expected to participate in the modules, covering 3 areas – basic disciplines, general and dental medicine.
The Vice-Rector of MU “Grigore T. Popa”, Prof. Dr. Liliana Foia, the Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Prof. Dr. Monica Tatarciuc, the member of the Academic Council of the Faculty – Prof. Dr. Magda Antohe and the Secretary for International Relations and Academic Partnerships, Ms. Daniela Mayaya met with the Rector of MU-Sofia, Acad. L. Traykov, with the Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Prof. Dr. Bozhidar Yordanov, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Emilia Karova, Deputy Dean for International Integration, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Todor Uzunov, Deputy Dean for Research, Assoc. Prof. Vasil Sveshtarov and Deputy Dean for Medical Diagnostics, Prof. Laura Andreeva.
Agreement was signed between the two universities by the rectors that envisages academic exchange, joint research activities and participation in international programs.
The guests toured the classrooms of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and were impressed by the organization of the training, including the one related to the emergency situation.