The Francophone University Agency (AUF)
- “Outils, usage et pratiques du numérique en pédagogie” as part of the initiative Appui à la transformation numérique des établissements membres en Europe centrale et orientale.
- Pilot project for the improvement of the institutional framework of academic management and good practices exchange by using benchmarking tools.
- Joint project with Iuliu Hatieganu University – Cluj, Romania and the University of Versailles, France, 2011 – 2013;
- BECO PROJECT – multicenter research project, 2011-2013, Department of Internal Medicine, together with partners from Macedonia, Romania and France
- “Algorithm for non-invasive diagnosis of steatohepatitis, multicenter prospective study” University of Cluj-Romania and France, 2010 – 2012 Department of Internal Medicine of MU-Sofia


Scientific Francophonie Week, September 22-24, 2021 – Bucharest
The AUF is calling for presentations and posters within the framework of the First Councils on Scientific Francophonie to be sold on September 22 and

Call for applications in the 5th edition of the El Fassi Award
The El Fassi Award is presented every four years. It honors the work of a prominent figure in the Francophonie networks whose work in one

Call for applications – Francophone professional internships 2022
French-speaking students from AUF member institutions from Central and Eastern Europe are invited to apply for international professional internship mobility to use their skills and

Call for doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships Eugene Ionesco 2023-2024
AUF will fund a three-month research stay at Romanian universities for Francophone colleagues. The scholarship includes transportation, a monthly amount of 1,000 euros and medical

Joint financing of projects under the Acces and Parceco 2024 programs
We are pleased to inform you that the calls for projects under the ACCES and PARCECO 2024 programs have been announced. ACCES is a program