European University INGENIUM

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Selected Projects from the INGENIUM Research Groups Call For Proposals

Evaluation process of the INGENIUM Research Group Proposals and results approved by the INGENIUM Research School Board (IRSB).

Each application involving at least three INGENIUM partners has been evaluated by two reviewers, who could be members of the INGENIUM Research School Board (IRSB) or expert advisors from the INGENIUM universities. Reviewers were not directly involved in an application, either in their individual or institutional roles. Each application has been evaluated according to the following main criteria (which were available for applicants before the deadline for submission on the INGENIUM submission website

–          Quality and Efficiency of the Cooperation Arrangements: Assessing how well the project team is structured to collaborate and leverage expertise from various sources.

–          Excellence: Assessing the overall quality, significance, and feasibility of the research proposal.

–          Potential Impact of the Proposal

The maximum score could be 12. If there were a large discrepancy (>4) between the two reviewers’ evaluations, a third evaluator was recruited and only the two more similar scores were retained. This caused some delay in the evaluation process for which we do apologize. In any case, the final score was obtained by averaging across two evaluations.

Once the final rank was obtained, the decision about the proposals to support was based on 2 criteria: the position on the rank and the fact that at least 3 partners involved could financially support the project. Please note that INGENIUM partner universities had different capabilities in the extent of financing research projects under this call, as anticipated in the call ( Considering this limitation, all the possible efforts have been made to support as many projects as possible.

As a result, and based on the available budget, all the proposals scoring 10 or above (N=12) in our evaluation process turned out to be supportable by all the involved partners, while all the proposals scoring below the threshold of 8 (N=11) in our evaluation process turned out to be not supportable by at least three of the involved partners. Among the projects scoring between 8 and 10 (N=19), 3 turned out to be fully supportable by all the partners, 4 could be supported by at least three partners and for them a remodulation of the budget is required, and 12 did not meet the criterion of being supportable by at least three of the partners involved.

These results are summarized in the table HERE, showing that 15 projects will be fully supported, 4 require budget remodulation, and 23 will not be supported because fewer than three of the partners involved have the capacity to support them.

Based on the available budget and submitted project proposals, all projects with a score of 10 points or more are approved for funding. MU-Sofia is the leader in the indicator “Partner engagement in the 19 funded projects” with 17% active participation of researchers.

Duration of the projects:
Start date: no later than July 15, 2024
Closing date: 14 July 2025

Congratulations to the winning project with the participation of researchers from MU-Sofia: Proposal for Setting up a Psychology Training Module for the Department of Health as well as Partner Universities INGENIUM, Munster University of Technology (MTU), and Sofia Medical University (MUS), presented by Heidi Charvin from the CRFDP Lab, in partnership with MTU and MUS. See list of winning projects HERE