MU-Sofia with large-scale initiative for better career development of researchers

The Medical University -Sofia is already listed in the EU career portal, EURAXESS, as an organization that adopts and implements in its practice the 40 principles of the European Charter for Scientists and the Code of Conduct for the Selection of Researchers. With this, the university commits to performing appropriate changes in its career development procedures to guarantee the high qualification and motivation of scientists.

The two documents – the Charter and Code – were adopted by the European Commission in 2005 as key elements of its policy for the career development of scientists. So far, 1,313 employers and funding organizations in the public and private sectors have adopted their principles. See more HERE.

For the Medical University of Sofia, this is the first step in the process of developing a comprehensive specialized Human Resources Strategy for Researchers.

As a part of this process, the university is also applying for the HR Excellence in Research” award which proves long-term commitment to the 40 principles of Charter and Code. So far only 657 organizations in Europe have won the right to use the logo rewarding their fair and transparent policy for selection and evaluation of researchers. Read more about the award HERE.

A special section HRS4R has been created on the university website to follow the progress of the initiative.