Admission of international students
The exam consists of five sections:
- General biology terminology to be matched with the correct definition.
- Multiple choice questions with one correct answer. Grammatical and lexical skills in everyday phrases are assessed.
III. Medical terms that need to be paired with terms that can be understood by the patients. The level of lexical proficiency is assessed.
- Candidates are asked to fill in the gaps in a text on a general medical topic, selecting the correct option from a list of suggested words. This a Reading Comprehension exercise, assessing candidates’ levels of lexical and grammatical skills.
- Filling the gaps where candidates are given a text on a general medical topic and have to fill the correct answer from four suggested options.
Candidates must have 65 points out of 100 to pass the test.
Documents submitted by fax, e-mail or by post shall NOT BE considered and remain without any further consequences!
On 17.09.2022 will be held the Entrance exam for candidate students citizens of the EU and EEA member states who have submitted documents within the deadline and have received their entry number. For this purpose it is necessary: from 29.08.2022 to 14.09.2022 a fee of 400 leva should be paid at the University’ Fiscal Office of MU-Rectorate for admission to the exams;
On 08.10.2022 will be held the Entrance exam for candidate students citizens from a non-EU and non EEA countries who have submitted documents within the deadline and have received their entry number. For this purpose it is necessary: from 26.09.2022 to 06.10.2022 a fee of 400 leva should be paid at the University’ Fiscal Office of MU-Rectorate for admission to the exams;
On 06.10.2022 will be held the Entrance exam for NURSING foreign candidates who submitted documents within the deadline and have received their entry number. For this purpose it is necessary: from 26.09.2022 to 04.10.2022 a fee of 150 leva should be paid at the University’ Fiscal Office of MU-Rectorate for admission to the exams;
Documents for studying or transfer to the Medical University – Sofia which were sent by fax, by e-mail or by post shall not be accepted, shall not be considered and remain without any further consequences!
The documents required below apply to all foreign citizens.
Additional information on the documents required for EU and EEA member states citizens is available on the following telephones:
+359 2 9152 123, +359 2 9152 148, +359 2 9152 158 and +359 2 9152 159
Foreign citizens are admitted at the Medical University – Sofia (MU-Sofia) in accordance with the Higher Education Act (HEA) and the Ordinance on the State Requirements for Admission of Students at Higher Schools of the Republic of Bulgaria if they have completed secondary education giving them the right to apply to higher education institutions of the country where they have completed their secondary education and have a grade of at least 4 (Good) in Biology and Chemistry in their secondary education diploma.
Preparation of the documents:
All documents submitted to the Medical University – Sofia (MU-Sofia) must be legalized and officially translated into Bulgarian language. The translation must be done and certified in accordance with the provisions of the international treaties of the Republic of Bulgaria with the state/country in which they were issued and, in the absence thereof, under the general order for translations, legalizations and certifications of documents and other papers.
In cases where the translation into Bulgarian shall be done on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria (after the legalization of the relevant document), the translation must be done by an authorized translator included in the list of translators at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria. After that, the translation must be certified by notary in the Republic of Bulgaria.
- Student Application Form in English and in Bulgarian language (it can be downloaded from the MU-Sofia webpage both in Bulgarian and in English language);
- Legalized copy of the secondary education diploma with a certified translation into Bulgarian language.
It is an obligatory precondition for the candidates to have assessment degrees in Biology and Chemistry in their secondary education diploma in accordance with the Ordinance on the State Requirements for Admission of Students at the Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Bulgaria.
- A document issued by a competent authority (a secondary school where the secondary education has been acquired) certifying the applicant’s right to continue his / her education at all levels of higher education institutions within the country (insert the name of the country) where the secondary education has been acquired. This document must be legalized and translated into Bulgarian language; the translation must be then certified.
- A copy of a valid document proving citizenship (not residence).
- Two (2) photos – passport size attached to the registration forms.
- Declaration in Bulgarian and in English for the authenticity of the documents submitted, duly signed by the applicant (the form can be downloaded from the MU-Sofia webpage).
In case of transfer of a foreign student to the Medical University of Sofia from another Medical University abroad, all of the above mentioned documents must be submitted together with an academic transcript. The academic transcript must contain the workload of the studied subjects, examination results and allocated credits. It should be legalized and the translation in Bulgarian should be certified.
The academic transcripts for transfer from another University, both from the country and abroad, are accepted until 20.08.2025.
In cases when the applicant can not submit personally his / her application documents for studying at MU-Sofia, a power of attorney should be submitted. The power of attorney should be legalized and the translation in Bulgarian should be certified. If it is issued on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, it should be certified by notary.
Deadline for receipt of documents: 28.07.2025 to 10.09.2025
Entrance Exams in English, Biology and Chemistry: 16.09.2025
Announcement of the results of the Entrance Exams: 24.09.2025
Ranking – 25.09.2025
The ranking of the candidates is done on the basis of the summed grades in biology and chemistry from the diploma for completed secondary education and the grades from the three components of the exam.
Entrance exams are held remotely.
The ranking is carried out according to the order of the competitive ball and is in accordance with the number of students proposed by the Dean of the relevant faculty and confirmed by the Academic Council of MU-Sofia according to the capacity of the faculty.
Faculty of Public Health “Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, MD” accepts international students from the EU, EEA, the Swiss Confederation and from third countries in the following specialties: “Nurse” and “Kinesitherapy” – Bachelor’s programs. “Clinical Trial Management” – Master’s program as a second master’s degree.
Acceptance of documents from 28.07.2025 to 10.09.2025
Exams on 18.09.2025 and 19.09.2025
Results and ranking on 23 – 24.09.2025
The entrance exam is in English with a medical focus, including basic knowledge of biology.
Entrance exams are held remotely.
Foreign nationals from EU and EEA countries
Announcement of results: 24.09.2025
Announcement of the placement of students from EU States and the EEA – 25.09.2025
Individuals from EU and EEA shall be placed on the grounds of a total score, formed as the sum of scores in Biology and Chemistry of the diploma for completed secondary education and of the grades of the competitive exam in English language, Biology and Chemistry in English. Maximum total score: 30.00 points.
The placement of individuals from EU and EEA is carried out on the grounds of art . 21, paragraph 2 of the Higher Education Act on places, approved by the AC of Medical University – Sofia under the proposal of Deans of faculties and in accordance with the free capacity of the specialty.
Foreign nationals from non-EU and EEA countries and the Swiss Confederation /third countries/:
Announcement of results: 24.09.2025
Ranking: 25.09.2025
The ranking of the candidates is done on the basis of the summed grades in biology and chemistry from the diploma for completed secondary education and the grades from the three components of the exam. Maximum score: 30.00.
The ranking is carried out according to the order of the competitive ball and is in accordance with the number of students proposed by the Dean of the relevant faculty and confirmed by the Academic Council of MU-Sofia according to the capacity of the faculty.
Candidates are ranked based on the combined biology and chemistry grades from the high school diploma and the grades from the three components of the exam.
Start date of the new academic year (in English) for students in the Specialties of Medicine, Dental Medicine and Pharmacy – 20.10.2025
Note: In case when one of the components of the exam is not being passed successfully, the test shall be considered as failed.
The results of the written papers are final and shall not be subject to re-assessment!
Enrollment of 1st year students who shall attend the English course for the majors Medicine, Dental Medicine and Pharmacy
*to be specified
Acceptance of documents: 28.07.2025 to 10.09.2025
Entrance exam in English, Biology and Chemistry: 19.09.2025
Announcement of the results of the entrance exam: 24.09.2025
Candidates are ranked based on the combined biology and chemistry grades from the high school diploma and the grades from the three components of the exam. Maximum score 30.00.
The submission of documents by citizens from countries that are not members of the EU and EEA and the Swiss Confederation / third countries / for training at the Department of Language Training and Sports / in Bulgarian or English / – continues until 25.09.2025
The ranking is carried out according to the order of the competitive ball and is in accordance with the number of students proposed by the Dean of the relevant faculty and confirmed by the Academic Council of MU-Sofia according to the capacity of the faculty.
According to the new VISA D system requirements, the following rules apply:
University of Sofia, all the documents should be presented both on paper/originals and USB device and each document should be scanned as a separate PDF file, named according to its content. For example:
- Registration form Ali Salih.pdf
- High school diploma Ali Salih.pdf
- Document certifying the applicant’s right to continue his education at all levels of higher education Ali Salih.pdf
- Passport Ali Salih.pdf
- Photo Ali Salih.jpg (the photo must be in JPG format)
Information for power of attorneys:
The power of attorney documents must be scanned in PDF format and the following information should be noted:
Name, surname, ID number, e-mail and phone numberLegal person
BULSTAT Unified Identification Code (UIC), address of the organization, e-mail and phone numberForeign citizen
Name, surname, ID number, address, e-mail, phone numberALL SCANNED DOCUMENTS MUST BE READABLE!
- Those students having dual citizenship, one of which is Bulgarian and the other is from an EU member state or from EEA, shall be admitted under the terms and conditions and within the due order as for the Bulgarian citizens (after an entrance exam in Biology and Chemistry, as for the Bulgarian candidate students).
- Those students having dual citizenship, one of which is Bulgarian and the other is from an EU member state or from EEA, who have completed their secondary education in an EU member state or in EEA and who have chosen to study a major in English shall be admitted in accordance with Art. 21, Para 2 of the Higher Education Act by sitting an entrance exam in English language, and an entrance exam in Biology and Chemistry in English. Once admitted the students shall pay an annual fee which is fixed for the Bulgarian nationals enrolled under a paid form of education plus the tuition fee for the different specialties conducted in English. The amount of the fees due is set by a Decision of the Academic Council for the respective academic year.
- Those students having dual citizenship, one of which is Bulgarian and the other is from a non-EU member state or from EEA (third country), but who have completed their secondary education in the Republic of Bulgaria, regardless of their second nationality, shall be admitted under the terms and conditions and within the due order as for the Bulgarian citizens.
- On 7th of June 2023 (07.06.2023) the AC decided from the beginning of the Academic Year 2023/2024 for training under Art. 95, para. 10 from the Higher Education Institutions/ people who have dual citizenship, one of which is a Bulgarian one and the other is from a non-EU member country, EEA and the Swiss Confederation who pay 50% of the tuition fee for foreign citizens / to accept only applicants, who will have their lectures and will be taught in the Bulgarian language.
……– students from EU and EEA (Including the students who completed the preparatory school year at the Department of Languagues and Sports, and successfully passed the language exam)
…..– students from non EU / EEA countries (Including the students who completed the preparatory school year at the Department of Languagues and Sports, and successfully passed the language exam)
………. – students from EU and EEA
……… – students from non EU / EEA countries
……… – students from EU and EEA dnd students from non EU / EEA countries
Faculty of Public Health “Prof. Dr. Ts Vodenicharov, PhD”:
students from EU and EEA – …….. , from them:
– …… by Direction 7.4. „ Public Health “ and
– ……. by Direction 7.5. „ Health care “ ;
students from non EU / EEA countries – ………, from them:
– …… by Direction 7.4. „ Public Health “ and
–……… by Direction 7.5. „ Health care “ ;
Fee for submission of documents – BGN 90. Paid at the cashier’s office of the MU – Sofia, Rectorate.
Fee for transfer of foreign students from Higher Medical Schools abroad in the specialties of Medicine, Dental Medicine and Pharmacy at the Medical University-Sofia in the amount of BGN 200 with VAT. Paid at the cashier’s office of the MU – Sofia, Rectorate.
Price of the Training Manual for self-preparation in biology and chemistry – BGN 30.00. Paid at the cashier’s office of the MU – Sofia, Rectorate.
Fee for the entrance exam in English, Biology and Chemistry – BGN 400. Paid at the cashier’s office of the MU – Sofia, Rectorate.
- Training in the Language Department for foreign students in a preparatory year in Bulgarian – EUR 3700
- Training in the Language Department for foreign students in a preparatory year in English – EUR 4800
- Training in “Medicine” and “Dental Medicine” in Bulgarian – EUR 8000 per year.
- Training in “Medicine” and “Dental Medicine” in English – EUR 9000 per year.
- Training in “Pharmacy” in Bulgarian – EUR 5000 per year.
- Training in “Pharmacy” in English – EUR 6000 per year.
- Training “Nursing” at the Faculty of Public Health in Bulgarian – EUR 3000 per year.
- Training “Nursing” at the Faculty of Public Health in English – EUR 4000 per year.
- The Rector of MU-Sofia will not enter into contracts with private companies and individuals to recruit students for the new academic 2025/2026 year.
1431 Sofia 15 Acad. Ivan Geshov Blvd.
Medical University-Sofia
BULSTAT: 831385737
Identification Code: BG831385737
Bank transfers in the country
Bank identification
Bulgarian National Bank Central Office – Alexander I Square
Bank Code: BNBG9661
IBAN BG 43BNBG96613100102101
BIC code: BNBGBGSD for leva; BNBGBGSF for foreign currency
Bank transfer from abroad
Bank Code: BNBG9661
IBAN BG 43BNBG96613100102101
BIC code: BNBGBGSD for leva; BNBGBGSF for foreign currency
BNB in TARGET2 is IBAN BG83BNBG9661 1100 0661 41
The bank transfer charges are borne by the customer.