Rules for transfer of Bulgarian and foreign students - EU and EEA citizens and from third countries to the Medical University - Sofia from other Higher Medical Schools in Bulgaria or abroad

For the continuation of training in a specialty from regulated professions and specialities (transfer) completed periods of study and received credits shall only be recognized from conducted training in the same specialty from the same regulated profession and speciality, as well as at the same level of higher education.

1.  All students who wish to transfer to the Medical University – Sofia from another university in Bulgaria or abroad, must have successfully completed at least one academic year.

2. Upon request for transfer to MU-Sofia, the candidates submit to the Education Department of the Rectorate the following mandatory documents:

2.1. Application form to the Rector of MU-Sofia according to a sample. – download from HERE

2.2. Academic transcript of records.

-The academic transcript is an official educational document, which contains: data about the educational institution; level of educational qualification degree; certified semesters or periods of study; hours on the studied disciplines and / or the acquired credits and form of assessment of the passed exams. The academic transcript must also be legalized with a certified translation into Bulgarian.

-If the academic transcript does not contain hours for the studied disciplines and / or the acquired credits and form of assessment of the passed exams, must be submitted a copy of the programs for the studied disciplines with the topics of the practical exercises and lectures, and / or credits and form of assessment. The programs must be certified with a signature and seal by the respective university and legalized with a certified translation into Bulgarian.

2.3. Copy of the diploma for completed secondary education (for Bulgarian students).

2.4. All necessary documents for admission of foreign citizens and EU and EEA citizens for students at MU-Sofia, listed on the official website of the university and a document for accreditation of the Higher Medical School in which the student studied.

For the continuation of training in a specialty from regulated professions and specialities (transfer) completed periods of study and received credits shall only be recognized from conducted training in the same specialty from the same regulated profession and speciality, as well as at the same level of higher education.

  1. Deadline for submission of documents for transfer of Bulgarian students – until до 29.08.2025  for the academic year 2024/2025.
  2. Deadline for submission of documents for transfer of foreign students / EU and EEA citizens and from third countries / who wish to study in English at the Medical University – Sofia until 20.08.2025 for the academic year 2024/2025.
  3. Academic transcripts and / or other documents proving the educational process, submitted after the announced deadline for submission of documents for admission to MU-Sofia are not accepted, are not considered and remain without consequences.
  4. All submitted documents under item 2 shall be sent according to the inventory with an accompanying letter to the Deans of faculties for opinion and determination of the course in which the transferring student can be admitted.
  5. By ………… at the latest, the Deans send to the Educational Department of the Rectorate their opinion on the admission of foreign students / EU and EEA citizens and from third countries /.
  • In preparing his opinion, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine takes into account the approved capacity of the professional field and the periods of training submitted for recognition by the Commission in “Preliminary Protocol for determining the course of study”.
  • The course of study for each student is determined individually, according to his Academic report and other documents proving the educational process by appointed, by Order of the Rector, Working Commission for recognition of periods of study at the Faculty of Medicine, by preparing a “Preliminary protocol for determination of course of study’.
  • In the preliminary protocol for determining the course of study , the Commission assesses the correspondence between the successfully passed exams and / or conducted trainings in separate disciplines for the respective course, with those for the same course in the Curriculum for the specialty “Medicine” as the list of hours can be recognized in accordance with the Decree for Approval of a Classifier of Higher Education and Professional Fields for Bulgaria. 
  • Upon transfer from another HEI from abroad and when changing specialty, students can be enrolled in a higher course if they have recognized hours and successfully passed exams in two thirds of the disciplines studied in the Curriculum for the specialty “Medicine”.

6. In case of a positive opinion from the Deans of Faculties the following procedure is followed:

6.1. Upon transfer from Medical Universities in the country with regular student rights, an order is issued for enrollment in the course determined by the Dean until the beginning of the academic year.

6.2. Upon transfer from Medical Universities in the country, but with lost student rights, candidates take a combined exam in English, Biology and Chemistry in English on the specified date.

6.3. Upon transfer from Medical Universities Abroad, applicants take the combined exam in English, Biology and Chemistry in English on the specified date.

6.4. By  10.09.2025 at the latest, those approved for students register for taking a combined exam in English, Biology and Chemistry in English, which is scheduled for 16.09.2025

6.5. After successfully passing the combined exam in English, biology and chemistry in English, an order is issued for enrollment in the course determined by the Dean of the respective faculty.

6.6. When the candidate-student is from a country outside the EU and the EEA, the documents are submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science for the issuance of Type E Visa Certificates. In this case, the course of study in which the student will be accepted should be preliminary determined so the years for stay in the country can be specified. If the student has been issued a Visa E Certificate by the Ministry of Education and Science, he / she is also registered to take a combined exam in English, Biology and Chemistry in English by 10.09.2025 at the latest in order to pass the exams on 19.09.2025.

7. The deans of the faculties in MU-Sofia are obliged to carry out a cross-check for authenticity of the presented Academic references.

  1. The transferred foreign students shall pay the full amount of the normatively determined fee for foreign citizens for the respective year of study in Bulgarian or English. If the transferred foreign student has failed / not taken /exams, he pays an additional fee outside the statutory tuition fee, amounting to BGN 120 for each failed exam.
  2. When the transferred foreign student has unstudied disciplines or studied disciplines with insufficient study hours, in addition to the normatively determined tuition fee, he shall pay an additional fee. The amount of the payment for additional training is in accordance with item 36 of Section VIII of the Regulations.


1. Bulgarian citizens who have successfully passed the candidate student entrance exams at the Medical University – Sofia in the year in which they wish to transfer to MU-Sofia may apply for transfer from foreign higher medical schools to MU – Sofia.

2. Depending on the result of the entrance examinations, the Bulgarian citizens may be admitted for study by state order or for study against payment under Art. 21, para 2 and 3 of the Higher Education Act.

If they wish to recognize periods of study, credits and passed exams, they submit an academic transcript and other documents, proving the educational process from the foreign medical school from which they wish to transfer, to the Education Department of the Rectorate of MU-Sofia

The submitted documents are sent to the Dean of the respective faculty for opinion and determination of the study course.

/ Only for the Faculty of Medicine /

3. Recognition of training periods, credits and past exams shall be carried out after the enrollment of the students in Faculty of Medicine by appointed by the Rector Working Commission for Recognizing study periods in Faculty of Medicine through the preparation of an “individual curriculum” approved by the Dean of FoM, in accordance with the the Decree for Approval of a Classifier of Higher Education and Professional Fields for Bulgaria for the Specialty in “Medicine”.

4. Faculty Deans shall be obliged to carry out a counter-check for the authenticity of the Academic reports /Transcript of records/presented.

/ Only for the Faculty of Medicine /

1. To transferred Bulgarian and foreign students from another HMS from abroad, and transferred foreign students from another HMS in the country, the Commission on Recognition Study periods (the Commission) in Faculty of Medicine prepares an “individual curriculum”, which is affirmed by the dean of the FoM.

– “Individual curriculum” for Bulgarian students is prepared by the Commission after enrollment of the Student in  FoM on the basis of an application to the Dean of the FoM accompanied by Transcript of records and other documents proving an educational process. In the application, the student indicates which periods of study and successful exams wants to be addressed and recognized by the Commission.

Foreign students Recognition of study periods and exams passed shall be carried out by the Commission without submitting an application form.

-for foreign students studing in English, “the individual curriculum” is prepared in Bulgarian and in English.

-The Commission examines the Transcript of records and other documents proving an educational process and assesses the conformity of the list of hours / credits (or other equivalent for assessment and confirmation of successfully conducted disciplines (study periods) with those under the Decree for Approval of a Classifier of Higher Education and Professional Fields for Bulgaria for the Specialty “Medicine”  and the curriculum for the Specialty.

The Disciplines are recognized if their List of Hours corresponds to the Ordinance on the Uniform State Requirements for the specialty. Exam scores are equated to the six-grade. evaluation system adopted in the country.

-for Disciplines with smaller list oh hours compared to the Decree for Approval of a classifier of Higher Education and Professional Fields-  Medicine, the Commission sets out  List of Hours of compensatory programs and the need for exam or colloquium.

-Transferred students shall take compensatory exams during the sessions in accordance with the curriculum after all conditions and a formal certification of the study classes.

-When the compensatory program ends with a colloquium, it shall be certified in the student book with evaluation “passed” / “failed” (in the conditions of distance learning on a formal report from the head of the department concerned). In case of a successful colloquium, the score of the relevant discipline is recognized by the academic reference /Transcript of records/. In case of failed colloquium an examination is passed according to the approved Scheme of study for the discipline, or at the discretion of the head of the department is given the ability to repetition of the colloquium.

To the Bulgarian students transferred from another higher medical school in the country due to mandatory study under the Decree for Approval of a classifier of Higher Education and Professional Fields- “Medicine”, no “individual curriculum” is issued.

Study periods and successful exams are recognized according to the Transcript of Records.

Students are notified on their enrollment that they are obliged in the current school year to attend equivalence / compensatory/classes and take compensatory exams, if any, in accordance with the curriculum and the course in which they are enrolled, by entry in the Student’s License and the main Book of the Faculty of Recognized and Equivalence Disciplines.

Appointed by the Dean of  Faculty of Medicine “Individual Curriculum” is provided to the student against a signature and is the basis for determining the amount of additional charging on equivalence/compensatory curriculum and exams (for foreign students).

Appointed by the Dean of Faculty of Medicine “Individual Curriculum” is final and is not subject to the student’s appeal.

in case of incorrect translation of a discipline, which has led to its non-reflection in the “Individual curriculum” (technical error), the Commission issues an Addendum to it, in which only this discipline is entered and proposes it for approval by the Dean.

A copy of the “Individual Curriculum” approved by the Dean of Faculty of Medicine is sent to the Heads of these departments, where students will attend compensatory classes, within one month from the beginning of the academic year for the course.

The Commission undertakes to prepare individual curricula and submit them for approval by the Dean of Faculty of Medicine, at least once a week in the first month of the beginning of the school year.

2. For students with redraw request who have not completed/performed their studies, 80% of the paid semester fee will be refunded. 20% of the paid fee is deducted for processing the documentation.

3. For students with redraw request to whom an “Individual Curriculum” has been issued and approved, up to 70% of the paid semester fee shall be refunded.

  • Submission of documents – BGN 90.00, paid at the cash desk of the Rectorate.
  • Fee for the combined exam in English, Biology and Chemistry in English – BGN 400.00, paid at the cash desk of the Rectorate.
  • Fee for transfer of foreign students from other Higher Medical Schools abroad in the specialties of Medicine, Dental Medicine and Pharmacy at MU-Sofia in the amount of BGN 200.00 VAT, paid at the cash desk of the Rectorate.