Call for Applications: INGENIUM Summer School
Heraklion Crete, 19-23 May 2024
The University of Crete organises the Summer Senior School in the next edition of the “10 days of INGENIUM” events. Master, PhD students and early career researchers are invited to participate to “From Earth Surface to Space” events, workshops, and presentations. The Summer School brings together students and mentors from all 10 INGENIUM members in Europe to explore, reflect and create in a narrative space that fosters interdisciplinary collaboration.
Objective: Climate crisis strongly affects our environment. We seek to address the urgent challenges posed by climate change, environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss. Monitoring the environmental parameters plays a crucial role in confronting environmental changes. Observing the Earth from space has revolutionized the understanding of our planet and how we interact with it. Through innovative technology along with commercialization initiatives we have transformed the way we study and protect our environment.
The INGENIUM Summer Senior School 2025 will first address the consequences of the climate change to the environment and biodiversity. We will focus on environmental monitoring and how Earth observation from space through innovative technologies and commercialization efforts is essential for understanding and protecting our planet.
The workshops, lectures and hand-on activities will be organized in four main pillars: Climate Crisis and its Impact, Observing the Earth, Connectivity and Innovation and Commercialization, which aim to lead at:
Understanding of climate change and its causes
A deep understanding of how Earth and Space will help us to protect our planet.
Familiarization with environmental in situ and satellite observations and their use
Familiarity with various methods of observation of Earth through Space and their benefits.
A comprehensive understanding of how the leverage of the power of technology and data collection systems enhance the understanding of the world around us.
Insight into the role of innovation and commercialization across the space technologies domain.
Through this Summer Senior School, students will develop skills of holistic approach, collaboration and critical thinking.
Program Overview:
Virtual Component: Two online sessions before the Senior Summer School that will introduce participants to the thematic of the school. Dates will be announced later.
On site Week (19-23 May 2025): Active participation in a range of activities: Lectures, workshops and hand-on activities.
Assessment and Recognition:
Students’ performance will be assessed based on active participation in workshops and group activities while experts and mentors will provide feedback.
Senior Winter School participants will receive 3 ECTS credits.
Eligibility: Participants must be master, PhD students or early career researchers (8 per institution) from a diverse range of disciplines and backgrounds, e.g. physicists, biologists, chemists, economists, computer scientists, engineers, product managers, etc. Proficiency in English is required. One mentor from each university is welcome to attend and in the Winter Senior School events.
Funding level: The INGENIUM Summer School offers scholarships for travel expenses and accommodation. Please contact your local INGENIUM team for details.
Important Dates:
Application deadline:
Notification of acceptance:
Summer school arrival (Students & Mentor): 18 May 2025
Summer school program (Students & Mentor): 19 February – 23 May 2025
Summer school departure (Students & Mentor): 24 May 2025
University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece