Samara State Medical University (SamSMU) and the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) are holding an international scientific and practical conference “3D-technologies in clinical anatomy” in Samara on 10-12 September 2021. The conference is dedicated to the current problems of clinical, topographic and normal anatomy and the introduction of 3D-technologies into the scientific and educational processes at specialized departments of medical universities.The conference is dedicated to the current problems of clinical, topographic and normal anatomy and the introduction of 3D-technologies into the scientific and educational processes at specialized departments of medical universities.
Russian and foreign scientists and teachers, postgraduate students and young scientists based at medical universities are invited to participate in the conference.
The conference programme includes a plenary session and group work, visits to the educational, scientific and innovative infrastructure of SamSMU (IT-Medicine Research and Production Technology Park, Multi-profile Accreditation and Simulation Center, Cadaver Center, Inter-departmental Mortuary Training Center).
Reports of major significance will be recommended by the Organizing Committee of the conference for publication in such journals as “Operative Surgery and Clinical Anatomy (Pirogov Journal)” or “Science and Innovation” included in the list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
The conference will include a meeting of the FUMO Educational and Methodological Commission on topographic anatomy and operative surgery and a meeting of the Association of Clinical Anatomists of Russia.
During the conference an entertainment program is planned for participants from other regions. A detailed programme of the conference will be compiled and sent to the conference participants at a later stage.
Conference venue: Russia, Samara, Gagarina str., 18, the assembly hall of SamSMU.
Conference format: in person and via video conference.
Conference language: Russian, English. Simultaneous interpreting will be provided for the conference participants.
There is no registration fee for the participants.
Travel costs to Samara, accommodation and meals are paid by participants.
The procedure for submitting applications for participation in the conference and registration of participants:
To take part in the conference, please send your application (appendix 1) to the organizing committee by 1 July, 2021. The e-mail address for applications submission:
Aykush Nazaryan: +79277024743,
Application for participation in the international scientific and practical conference “3D-technologies in clinical anatomy“