Our university was awarded from the EC with Erasmus Charter for Higher Education with a total score of 100 points, thus committing itself to a smaller path of compliance with the principles proposed in the Program for the European Credit Transfer System. When participating in European and international cooperation projects the institution ensures that cooperation leads to sustainable and balanced outcomes for all partners, fosters its academic staff and students to participate in these activities and encourage learning with wider communities.
In the community of Bulgarian universities Medical University-Sofia ranks number one medical higher education institution on the basis of academic staff qualifications, participation in international co-operation activities, number of papers published in national and foreign referred journals, teaching programmes developed in compliance with the requirements of the EC standards. The university has internationally recognized achievements in many fields of medical practice and scientific research in neurosurgery, cardio-vascular surgery, ophthalmic surgery, high-tech diagnostics of human diseases, medical genetics, development of new compound of synthetic and natural origin, laboratory research etc.
During the years all our departments were involved in building strategic partnerships and working with international projects financed by the EU Framework Programmes, ESFRI, EUROCORES, NIH, as well as other technological and scientific projects financed by institutions and research centers from the USA, Belgium, Japan, Australia, Germany, India, UK etc.
Since its foundation in 1917, over 60.000 students have graduated from the MU – Sofia. Currently, there are over 10.000 students of whom over 4.000 are foreigners.
The University sees its top priority for the future in continually expanding its international relations in the academic and research field, in developing interdisciplinary research and studies, thus building strong scientific partnerships and making the path of medicine to a better future.