MU-Sofia opens a competition for a project doctoral student in PN 4.2 Chemical Sciences at the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy

An international ALLPreT project was launched, aimed at developing new approaches and methods of analysis, enabling the safe introduction of new foods and protection from food allergies.
The project is funded by the EC project under the Marie Curie doctoral training program, Horizon Europe.
ALLPreT is a continuation of the EU COST Action ImpARAS project (Improved Allergen Risk Assessment Strategy) (2014-2018) and is implemented by an international consortium bringing together universities, research institutes, hospitals, patient organizations and companies from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Serbia, USA and France.
MU-Sofia opens a competition for a doctoral student under the ALLPreT project – 1 place.
Applicant requirements and application conditions are listed HERE
Application deadline: 31.10.2022