In compliance with the Art. 32, para. 1, item 1 of the HЕА, in connection with the state of emergency declared on 13.03.2020 by a Decision of the Bulgarian National Assembly (promulgated, SG No. 28/24.03.2020), due to the aggravated epidemiological situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic and extension of its term by Decision of the Bulgarian National Assembly from 03.04.2020 (promulgated, SG, issue 33/07.04.2020), and measures introduced by Order of the Minister of Health № RD-01-124 /13.03. 2020, amended and ext. with Order № RD 195 / 10.04.2020, Order of the Minister of Health № RD-01-189 / 09.04.2020, Order of the Minister of Health № RD-01-256 / 11.05.2020, Letter № 9104-34 / from 16.03.2020 of the Minister of Education and Science, as well as Decisions from meetings of the Extended Rector-Dean’s Council of the MU-Sofia and Minutes № 28/17.03.2020, Minutes № 29 /10.04.2020 and Protocol № 30/13.05.2020, in connection with the end of the state of emergency and the forthcoming introduction of legislative changes, which will determine various measures and deadlines related to the pandemic of COVID-19,
- I amend Order № РКЗ6-З79/06.03.2020, amended and ext. with Order № РКЗ6-З95/09.03.2020, Order № РКЗ6-4З7/16.03.2020. and with Order № РКЗ6-466/26.03.2020, as well as Order № РК36-526/15.04.2020, extending until 31.05.2020, inclusive the term of the absentee, distance learning in digital environment. The training can be carried out in person – individually or in small groups, where it is possible to build an organization in compliance with all anti-epidemic measures in accordance with the recommendations of the Minister of Health, the National Operational Headquarters and the competent authorities. Forms for distance learning (electronic, audio and written) and face-to-face training concerning lectures, seminars, clinical cases, etc. are conducted according to the tradition, practice and capabilities of each faculty, according to the specifics of individual departments and other educational structures.
- Deans and Directors to ensure plans for the completion of the semester and the academic year and for taking the semester exams in digital or in-person environment, which to present for consideration and approval at an upcoming meeting of the Academic Council.
- The heads of the separate primary educational units, after coordination with the respective Deans and the respective Directors of the university structures, to ensure an organization for conducting the clinical skills training. It must meet the standarts for each field and specialty for the respective regulated profession, in compliance with all anti-epidemic measures, according to the recommendations of the competent health authorities.
- The academic managements of the Departments and Faculty Councils of the Faculty of Medicine (FM), the Faculty of Dental Medicine (FDM) and the Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) shall decide under what conditions and rules they can recognize the conducted practical training and pre-diploma internship of foreign students (conducted in English) in universities and hospitals in EU and EEA countries. The academic managements of the Departments and Faculty Councils of FM, FDM, FF, Faculty of public health, and other educational units shall to organize and ensure the undergraduate internship of graduates (conducted in Bulgarian) in the University Hospitals, in the health and medical institutions with which MU-Sofia has contracts for post-graduate training, provided that there is no restriction on them for conducting practical training.
- To consider as learning period the time in which all volunteers have been participating (students, postgraduates and PhD students) in the campaign to limit spread of the pandemic and to care for patients suspected or carriers of the active virus COVID-19.
- For all students who have completed their course at the Doctoral School of MU-Sofia, the mandatory final exam will be conducted remotely, online in a digital environment.
- Regular candidate exams in biology and chemistry for the specialties “medicine”, “dental medicine” and “pharmacy” will be held as attendance exams according to the schedule announced in advance on the university website (in biology on 04.07.2020 and chemistry on 12.07.2020), in strict compliance with all anti-epidemic measures, in accordance with the recommendations of the Minister of Health, the National Operational Headquarters and the competent authorities, for which to ensure the necessary organization.
- For the further actions for granting the scholarships, an appointed schedule will be followed, published on the website of MU-Sofia and the website of the Student Council of MU-Sofia.
- I would like to draw your attention to the fact that after the lifting of the state of emergency from 13.05.2020, all suspended deadlines under the procedures of the Act for the Development of the Academic Staff in the Republic of Bulgaria start running again, as well as meetings of the department councils, faculty councils and councils of the college, the department and the affiliate „Prof. Dr. Ivan Mitev“ – Vratsa in strict compliance with all anti-epidemic measures.
- I determine the May examination session of the admitted graduates for the state exam for acquiring a specialty in the healthcare system, to start from 15.06.2020 and to continue until 13.07.2020, incl.
- To open the possibility for the physical use of books of the Central Medical Library, in compliance with the requirement for social distance and all anti-epidemic measures.
- All other prescriptions, introduced by orders of the Rector of MU-Sofia, remain in force until 31.05.2020 inclusive or until the expiration of the additionally indicated terms in the orders or Decisions (minutes 28 and 29) of the extended Rector-dean councils.
- If necessary, additional measures and decisions will be announced in due time in case of change of the situation and the recommendation of the competent authorities.