An info-session on BI4E project was held at the Medical University-Sofia during a large international conference hosted by the university on April 19th, 2024. This is the second Info Day organized by the MU-Sofia since it became a part of the Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence (BI4E) joint initiative of eight European higher education institutions.

Almost 100 delegates from 53 medical faculties and universities from across the EU and Switzerland gathered at the annual meeting of ECTS Medical Association. They were welcomed by the Rector of the Medical university- Sofia, Prof. Boycho Landzhov, MD, and the Vice Rector for International integration and project funding, Prof. Tzvetalina Tankova, while Iliana Ivanova, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth welcomed the delegates with a video message.

The presentation on the MUS’ achievements under the Horizon Europe’ actions of the BI4E project was of great interest to the delegates. The BI4E Coordinator at the Medical University-Sofia, Magdalena Kasnakova made a presentation on the topic of Medical University – Sofia’s journey through the capacity building to support upskilling and reinforcing academic expertise through BI4E project and its initiatives.

The participants got acquainted with the objectives of the project, the consortium partners, the AI-driven platform for enhancing research collaboration as well as some surveys carried out under the BI4E project. Each received a leaflet describing the project so that they could share the information within their universities’ academic societies.