Prof. Boycho Vasilev Landzhov, MD, PhD

Prof. Boycho Vasilev Landzhov, MD, PhD
Rector, Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria
Professor of anatomy, histology and embryology
Specialty in Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, MU-Sofia
PhD, Specialised Scientific Council for surgery at the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK)
Specialty in Orthopedics and Traumatology, MU-Sofia
Foreign languages: English
Higher education:
Specialties acquired and scientific educational degrees:
1998 – Master’s degree in Medicine, MU-Sofia Scientific-educational positions at the Anatomy, histology and embryology Dept. , Faculty of Medicine, MU-Sofia
Assistant Professor – from 2001 until 2005
Senior Assistant Professor – from 2005 until 2008
Chief Assistant Professor – from 2008 until 2012
Associate Professor – from 2012 until 2016
Professor – from 2016
2005 – Specialty in Anatomy, histology and embryology, , MU-Sofia, Anatomy, histology and embryology Dept.;
2009 – Educational and scientific degree PhD – MU-Sofia, Specialized Scientific Council in surgery associated to Higher Attestation Commission, Orthopedic and traumatology Dept. at “Prof. B. Boychev” – Gorna Banya – specialized hospital and Anatomy, histology and embryology Dept.;
2011 – Specialty in Orthopedics and traumatology, MU-Sofia, Orthopedics and traumatology Dept. “Prof. B. Boychev” – Gorna Banya – specialized hospital and “Pirogov” – emergency hospital;
Scientific – research work:
Teaching and learning activities:
1998 – Master’s degree in Medicine, MU-Sofia
176 publications / IF – 74 and referent magazines – 102/ more than 200 resume in domestic and international magazines and scientific events / total IF from articles and resume: 143,42/, 19 scientific projects concerning Counsel of medical science I MU-Sofia and Ministry of Education; co-author of 6 educational materials for pupils, students and specialists in medicine and dental medicine; reviewer for several international magazines: “Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy” , “Letters in drug design & discovery”, “Cureus”, IJAV , etc. joint scientific work with worldwide known researchers from USA and Europe as Prof. J. Stamm, Assoc. Prof. F. Denaro and L. Edelstein, collaborator with the Nobel prize laureate Frances Crick, Prof. R. Shane Tubbs – Director of the Scientific Foundation in Seattle, author of more than 1000 reviewed publications, dozens of books and editor of Gray’s Anatomy and Netter’s Atlas of Anatomy; Prof. L. Olewnik, Prof. R. LaPrade; development services with researchers from different science medical spheres in Bulgaria: Orthopedics and traumatology, Neurosurgery, Cardiology, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Pathophysiology, Forensic medicine, Imaging diagnostics, Dermatology, Physiotherapy, Kinesiotherapy, Immunological of reproduction, Neurobiology, etc.
In charge of lectures, exercises and exams in anatomy, histology, cytology and embryology /in Bulgarian and in English languages/ of students in I and II course in medicine, dental medicine, pharmacy, second Master’s degree for Facial muscular surgery and specialization of graduates; taking part in contests for assistants to the department; taking part in the State examination commissions for specialty “Anatomy, histology and cytology”; course instructor of the I course medical students /Bg/, supervisor of 2 students and scientific tutor of 3 successfully defended PhD themes graduates; he is a supervisor of young researchers in medicine, winners of prestigious awards “Student of the Year in Bulgaria in healthcare”, “Student of the year at MU-Sofia”, “Student of the year at FM”, scholarships of Eureka foundation and the Bulgarian Medical Association from 2018-2023.
Membership in expert commissions
Chairman of the central commission of MU-Sofia; member of the Accreditation Commission of MU-Sofia to the “Scientific research“ of the Ministry of education and science, member of the Committee for supervision of the Operational Programs of the Ministry of education and science; Attestation commission of MU-S0fia, member of the scientific jury for acquiring of educational – scientific degree PhD; competitions for acquiring “Chief Assistant”, “Associate Professor” and “Professor” , reviewer of Council of Medical Science at MU-Sofia.