Dr. Vidin Kirkov, MD completed his primary education at the National Educational Complex for Culture with a lyceum for learning the Italian language, and his secondary education with honors and a gold medal at 133 Secondary School “Al. S. Pushkin”, Sofia.
At the beginning of 2021, he acquired the educational and qualification degree “Master-physician” in the specialty “Medicine” at the Medical Faculty of MU-Sofia, with excellent success. In May 2023, he obtained the educational and scientific degree “Doctor” in the scientific specialty “Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care and Pharmacy”, and at the end of the same year he also acquired a second OCS “Master” in the specialty “Public Health and Health Management” in the Faculty of Public health “Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, Ph.D., MU-Sofia.
During the period of his professional training, Dr. Kirkov completed a specialized qualification course at the First Moscow State Medical University “I. M. Sechenov”, Moscow, Russia.
Professional Development:
From April 2021 is the Head of the Center for Bulgarian and Foreign Students at MU-Sofia – Rectorate. In the month of May 2021 after a competition and selection, he was appointed as an assistant in the Department of Health Policy and Management of the Faculty of Public health “Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, PhD”, and from the fall of 2023. after competition and selection, he was promoted to chief assistant in the same department.
From January 2024 until now, he holds the position of Secretary General of the MU-Sofia.
Educational and scientific activity:
Dr. Kirkov conducts a full course of practical classes and seminars in the disciplines of “Social Medicine” and “Medical Ethics” for students from the “Medicine” specialty BEO and AEO, as well as in several disciplines for students from the “Healthcare Management” and “Public Health and Health Management”.
Author and co-author of over 30 scientific publications and reports in specialized scientific publications in Bulgaria and abroad, of which over 10 with IF. Participated in several scientific projects at the SMN of MU-Sofia.
Bulgarian Medical Association;
The Bulgarian Scientific Society for Public Health;
European Public Health Association (EUPHA);
Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER);
International Forum of Teachers (IFT) of the International Chair in Bioethics – UNESCO
Organizational and administrative activity:
from 2016 until now member of the Academic Council of MU-Sofia;
from 2023 until now, a member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Public health “Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, PhD”;
Member of the Central and Faculty Commission on the Quality of Education;
Chairman and member of a number of committees at the MU-Rectorate for the provision of various types of scholarships and financial incentives to students at the MU-Sofia;
Vice-Chairman/member of the Central Commission for Organization of the Candidate-Student Campaign of MU-Sofia;
Member of the editorial board of the magazine “Praemedicus-since 1925”, and in the period 2017-2021 he was its editor-in-chief;
Member of the Organizing Committees of several scientific forums and celebrations of round anniversaries;
in the period 2016-2020. Chairman of the Student Council of MU-Sofia.
“SIGNUM LAUDIS – 1st degree” for special merits and contribution to the development of MU-Sofia, 2021.
The award of the Faculty of Medicine at MU-Sofia in the name of “PROF. Dr. ASEN ZLATAROV” – for special achievements in medical science, 2020.
Student of the Year of the Republic of Bulgaria – for high scientific achievements and youth leadership, 2019.
Proficient in: English language – written and spoken,
Russian language – written and spoken