




Поздравителна картичка за 8 март

Happy March 8 to the ladies at MU-Sofia!

The management of Medical University-Sofia congratulates all the ladies associated with the university on the occasion of March 8, International Women’s Day! Dear ladies, Accept

ERASMUS+ Info day Invitation

The Department of International Integration and Project Funding at the Rectorate of MU-Sofia invites all students to a special event dedicated to mobility opportunities under

Happy March 8 to the ladies at MU-Sofia!

The management of Medical University-Sofia congratulates all the ladies associated with the university on the occasion of March 8, International Women’s Day! Dear ladies, Accept

ERASMUS+ Info day Invitation

The Department of International Integration and Project Funding at the Rectorate of MU-Sofia invites all students to a special event dedicated to mobility opportunities under


6 Academicians, 4 Correspondent members of BAS, 195 Professors,  300 Associate Professors, 286 Assistant Professors, 486 Аssistants, 184 Тeachers


Capacity of students- 10 460
medicine – 3700, dental medicine – 1500, pharmacy – 1400, public health and healthcare – 3860, capacity PhD – 390


in its 5 professional areas of education, according to the Ranking system of higher education institutions in Bulgaria.


According to the ranking of US News & World Report using the data of Clarivate Analytics in Cites for 2019/2020


9.56/10,  medicine – 9.74, dental medicine – 9.56, pharmacy – 9.70, public health and healthcare- 9.03



Prof. Victor Zlatkov, MD, PhD

Dear Students,

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the most prestigious medical higher school in the country. While taking the decision to continue your education and training at the Medical University – Sofia you become a part of the hundred year institution with proud and prominent heritage, dedicated to education and research work.

The ambition of the academic body, all lecturers and administrators is to ensure high level of teaching, valuable research work, international university cooperation and to deliver specialists who meet the public demands.

Let us succeed together!


ERASMUS+ Info day Invitation

The Department of International Integration and Project Funding at the Rectorate of MU-Sofia invites all students to a special event dedicated to mobility opportunities under

проект jardin
Video greeting from JARDIN

JARDIN sends you Season’s Greetings and wishes you a happy journey together towards a future full of health and hope! The Joint Action on the