GroupCountriesGrant per month
Group 1Programme Countries with higher living costsDenmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland,, Luxembourg, Sweden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway674 EUR
Group 2Programme Countries with medium living costsAustria, Belgium, ,Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal674 EUR
Group 3Programme Countries with lower living costsBulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey
606 EUR

Students’ application terms

Each faculty determines the eligible courses for MU-Sofia students and PhD students, in all forms of study. Students retain their right to a scholarship at MU-Sofia during the period abroad, but must pay their semester fee. MU-Sofia recognizes academic stays and exams taken abroad if they correspond to the study programs at our university. Before the implementation of the mobility, it is necessary that MU-Sofia has signed an inter-institutional agreement with the host university or the partner organization from the country under the program

OLS (Online Language Support)

Before signing their learning agreements, all students will have to take an online assessment of their language skills in the main foreign language that they will use during their study or traineeship abroad. At the end of the mobility period, students will be reassessed to check their progress in learning the primary foreign language. The results will be announced to the student as well. The duration of the study mobility is between 2 and 12 months. The minimum success overall mark of the student until the application must be a minimum of Good 4.00.

Application Procedure


The application deadlines are announced on the faculty websites and on the information boards of the faculties. The following documents are submitted to the faculty coordinator of each faculty:

  1. Application form 
  2.  Academic transcript of records, confirmation of success and enrollment for the respective academic year
  3. Motivation letter in the working language for participation in the program
  4. Certificate of proficiency in the working language, if any
  5. CV

A committee appointed by the relevant faculty council conducts an interview with the candidates to assess their common sense, level of proficiency in the working language and their professional training. A protocol is prepared for the approved candidates.


The protocol with the candidates approved by each faculty is deposited in the “Erasmus” office of MU-Sofia. Candidates approved for participation in the Program prepare and sign the following documents:

  1. Learning Agreement for studies
  2. Personal bank account lev or euro
  3. European health card. Additional health insurance in any insurance company for the period of stay, as the European Health Card only covers only emergency care in a hospital.
  4. The student specifies the travel dates according to their program at the host university.
  5. Declaration under the Personal Data Protection Act-Students

Before departure, the student receives the following documents from the Erasmus office:

  1. Individual contract for participation in the Erasmus Program between MU-Sofia and the student
  2. Travel order from the Rector

Upon arrival at the host university, the student certifies the Certificate for the period of stay in the Erasmus office of the host university, as the starting date is considered to be the first day of attendance, not the date of travel. Changes to the training/internship agreement can be made up to 2-5 weeks after the start of the training. An extension of the period of stay is requested up to one month before the end of the mobility. Email confirmation from all three parties is required to accept these changes.


After returning from the mobility, the student must report the following documents:

  1. Learning agreement for studies
  2. Certificate of attendance, with date of arrival and departure, with signature and seal of the host university
  3. Academic Transcript of records/ After mobility issued by the host university within 5 weeks of the end of the exams
  4. Return tickets, boarding passes, invoices
  5. Online report



For the traineeship period, the student/PhD student receives financial assistance in the form of a monthly grant aimed at supporting mobility. The grant is not a scholarship and does not provide full coverage of mobility costs. The host institution may offer additional remuneration, outside the Erasmus+ grant, as well as accommodation to the candidate, without this being mandatory. The student/PhD student has the right to receive funding from different sources other than European funds.
GroupCountriesGrant per month
Group 1Programme Countries with higher living costsDenmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland,, Luxembourg, Sweden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway824 EUR
Group 2Programme Countries with medium living costsAustria, Belgium, ,Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal824 EUR
Group 3Programme Countries with lower living costsBulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey
756 EUR


 Erasmus+ traineeship is the implementation of a student traineeship abroad during studies and up to one year after the student’s graduation. This also includes an “assistant internship” for students – future teachers. Where applicable, the traineeship should be an integral part of the students’ curriculum. Student mobility must correspond to the student’s field of knowledge / academic discipline. The period for traineeship is between 2 and 12 months. A student can participate in mobility periods with a total duration of a maximum of 12 months for each study cycle (bachelor, master, PhD), regardless of the number and type of mobility activities, but only once within an academic year. The minimum success overall mark of the student until the application must be a minimum of Good 4.00.

Application Procedure


The application deadlines are announced on the faculty websites and on the information boards of the faculties. The following documents are submitted to the faculty coordinator of each faculty:

  1. Application form 
  2. Academic transcript of records, confirmation of success and enrollment for the respective academic year
  3. Motivation letter in the working language for participation in the program
  4. Certificate of proficiency in the working language, if any
  5. CV

A committee appointed by the relevant faculty council conducts an interview with the candidates to assess their common sense, level of proficiency in the working language and their professional training. A protocol is prepared for the approved candidates.


The protocol with the candidates approved by each faculty is deposited in the “Erasmus” office of MU-Sofia. Candidates approved for participation in the Program prepare and sign the following documents:

  1. Learning Agreement for Traineeship
  2. Personal bank account lev or euro
  3. European health card. Additional health insurance in any insurance company for the period of stay, as the European Health Card only covers only emergency care in a hospital.
  4. The student specifies the travel dates according to their program at the host university.
  5. Declaration under the Personal Data Protection Act-Students

Before departure, the student receives the following documents from the Erasmus office:

  1. Individual contract for participation in the Erasmus Program between MU-Sofia and the student
  2. Travel order from the Rector

Upon arrival at the host university, the student certifies the Certificate for the period of stay in the Erasmus office of the host university, as the starting date is considered to be the first day of attendance, not the date of travel. Changes to the training/internship agreement can be made up to 2-5 weeks after the start of the training. An extension of the period of stay is requested up to one month before the end of the mobility. Email confirmation from all three parties is required to accept these changes.


After returning from the mobility, the student must report the following documents:

  1. Learning agreement for traineeships
  2. Certificate of attendance, with date of arrival and departure, with signature and seal of the host university
  3. Traineeship Certificate
  4. Return tickets, boarding passes
  5. Online report