MU – Sofia joined for another year the initiative clean up Bulgaria
On a rainy Saturday, employees, professors and students from Medical University – Sofia participated in the now traditional for the university Clean-up Day. The meeting

Call for Applications: INGENIUM Winter Junior & Senior School
The University of Crete and the Munster Technological University organises the Winter Senior School in the second edition of the “10 days of INGENIUM” events.

Ranking of candidates from non-EU countries for training in a specialized preparatory language course at the Department of Language Training and Sports.
Ranking of candidates from non-EU countries

You could check on your results from the exam on 6th of October on the following link: LOGIN CREDENTIALS: E-mail write your PERSONAL e-mail and the password

You could check on your results from the exam on 20th of September on the following link: LOGIN CREDENTIALS: E-mail write your PERSONAL e-mail and the
Workshop on “National Infrastructure Capacity in Translational Medicine”
Workshop on “National Infrastructure Capacity in Translational Medicine” 26/10/2022 в International relations, News The European Scientific Infrastructure for Translational Medicine EATRIS-ERIC in Bulgaria invites representatives

Erasmus students from the summer traineeship program at MU-Sofia were welcomed with a sport event at Pancharevo Lake
For the second time, the Erasmus+ team of the “International Integration and Project Funding” department at the Medical University- Sofia organized a special event for

Annual International meeting of the “ECTS Medical Association” at the University of Tartu, Estonia.
ECTS MA, is an association whose members are medical faculties from the European Union (including Switzerland and Norway). The aim of this association is the

MU-Sofia opens the application campaign for medical students to participate in the Erasmus+ Program
The application campaign for medical students to participate in the Erasmus+ Program has the following parameters: for studies and traineeship for the academic year 2023-2024;