Category: Famous Alumni

The discoverer of Balkan endemic nephropathy

Ass. Prof. Ioto Tanchev is a Bulgarian doctor and scientist, nephrologist, discoverer of the Balkan endemic nephropathy – a special disease of the kidneys that occurs only in certain regions of Bulgaria, Romania and the former Yugoslavia. Graduated from medicine in Sofia in 1942. Associate Professor Ioto Stoyanov Tanchev was born on July 30, 1917 […]

The creator of the Bulgarian BCG vaccine against tuberculosis

Dr. Srebra Rodopska is the creator of the Bulgarian vaccine against tuberculosis. Thanks to her research work, Bulgaria became the first country in Europe to introduce mandatory immunization of newborns, which led to a drastic drop in mortality and complications from tuberculosis. Dr. Srebra Rodopska was born on April 17, 1913 in Sofia. He graduated […]

World-renowned cardiac surgeon who performed the 1 st heart transplant in Bulgaria and the Balkans in 1986.

проф. Чирков

Prof. Dr. Alexander Chirkov is a world-renowned doctor in the field of heart diseases, operations and transplants. Performed the first heart transplant in Bulgaria and the Balkans in 1986. He graduated from the Higher Medical Institute (today MU-Sofia) in 1962. Prof. Chirkov was born in Lom, Bulgaria on January 27, 1938, graduated from the Medical […]