Category: News

Tackling Misinformation and Disinformation in Public Health: BIP Sofia 2025

The Faculty of Public Health “Prof. Tcekomir Vodenitcharov, MD, DSc”, Medical University of Sofia is organising a Blended Intensive Programme, in June 2025, offering INGENIUM students and professionals the opportunity to address one of the most pressing challenges in public health – misinformation and disinformation. Participants from universities across Europe will come together to unlearn, […]

Video greeting from JARDIN

проект jardin

JARDIN sends you Season’s Greetings and wishes you a happy journey together towards a future full of health and hope! The Joint Action on the Integration of Еuropean Reference Networks (ERNs) into National Healthcare Systems is about to celebrate its first year of life. This year has been the beginning of a journey on which we […]

Call for Applications for INGENIUM Winter Junior & Senior School

The South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK), Finland, and the University of Oviedo “Milán Campus” in Oviedo, Spain, are organizing a Winter School as part of the third edition of the “10 Days of INGENIUM” events. The call for participation is  extended to students in bachelor’s, master’s programs, PhD candidates, and early-career researchers. The […]

The MU-Sofia team on the BRIDGE project gathered for a kick-off meeting

първа среща

All 22 people who participate in the international project A4L_BRIDGE on behalf of the Medical University-Sofia gathered at the first general meeting for the Bulgarian team. It was held at the Rectorate of MU-Sofia lead by Prof. Ventsislava Pencheva, MD, PhD, Deputy Rector for International Integration and Project Funding, and Prof. Antonia Yanakieva, PhD, Head of the […]

Local ‘Digital’ Info Day held at MU-Sofia

Third Local Info Day on the topic of ‘Digital Research’ was carried out at the Medical University – Sofia under the Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence project. Participants were professors at the university, young researchers, local stakeholders  and representatives of partner universities under the BI4E project. Some attended the hybrid event online, while others preferred to […]

126 researchers from 8 countries participated in MU-Sofia webinar 

участниците в уебинара на екран

126 participants participated online in a research funding webinar that Medical University-Sofia hosted on June 26, 2024. The event was organized within the international project Boosting Ingenium for Excellence (BI4E) and attracted guests from the initiative’s partner universities from Germany, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Romania, France and Sweden and, of course, Bulgaria. The participants – doctoral […]

MU-Sofia organizes a webinar on research funding

лого на bi4e и портрети на лекторите

All scientists and PhD students from the Medical University-Sofia to join a free webinar on research funding on June 26 (Wednesday) from 1 to 3 p.m.  You will gain invaluable knowledge about the Horizon Europe programme, alternative sources of funding and the commercialization of innovation in science.  The event is organized by MU-Sofia, with international […]

Polish delegation of the Medical University of Lodz visited MU-Sofia

проф. Петкова на среща с полската делегация

Medical University – Sofia and Medical University of Lodz, Poland, have a long-standing excellent partnership within the framework of the Alliance4Life Project under the Horizon Europe Programme. The six-member Polish delegation is visiting its Bulgarian partner at the level of academic and administrative staff in the period 17-19.06.2024 in Sofia. Prof. Valentina Petkova-Dimitrova, DSc, Vice […]

Building Together: 18 Months of Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence

Брошури на BI4E

In March 2024, the project Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence (BI4E) has completed 18 of its 36-month lifespan. The 8 partner universities, including Medical University-Sofia, have fulfilled half of their commitments to the European Commission, the technical work carried out has facilitated progress in all areas of the project’s focus: strategic planning, institutional transformation, governance, research […]

MU- Sofia welcomed the first academic delegation from the Universiteti i Gjakovës”Fehmi Agani” – R Kosovo

разговор межд,у домакините и гостите от Р Косово

In implementation of the current mobility project Erasmus+ Programme KA171, the Faculty of Public Health Prof. Tzecomir Vodenitcharov, MD, PhD, DSc, at MU-Sofia shared its experience in reorganizing the training programs for nurses and midwives in accordance with European directives and requirements. It is expected that professors from the FOZ Prof. Tzecomir Vodenitcharov, MD, PhD, […]