Category: International relations

Prof. Landzhov launched a strategic BI4E meeting in Sofia

Medical University-Sofia hosted a strategic and reporting meeting for the international project Boosting Ingenium for Excellence (BI4E), which took place on September 10 and 11, 2024. The event brought together over 30 representatives of the 8 partner universities that work on the initiative, financed under the European program Horizon Europe – the universities in Karlsruhe […]

Erasmus+ incoming students visited the Old Town of Plovdiv thanks to MU-Sofia

обща снимка на чуждестранните  еразъм студенти на централнта улица в Пловдив

MU-Sofia organized the event “Welcome Erasmus+ Integration Trip” in the period 21-22.08.2024 for incoming students who are currently studying at the university under the Erasmus+ program. They are from partner universities in Latvia, Georgia and Turkey. The group of 30 students and representatives of MU-Sofia visited the Old Town of Plovdiv and was accomodated in an […]

Hybrid Training ‘Current and Future Challenges in Higher Education’

Medical University – Sofia is excited to announce the upcoming of a unique Hybrid Training Week as a part of the Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence initiative. It will run from Monday, 9 September to Friday, 13 September 2024 online allowing also in-person participation in Sofia, hosted by MUS. Presentation topics are related to current and future challenges in higher education, focusing on the European Higher Education Area […]

Selected Projects from the INGENIUM Research Groups Call For Proposals

студенти се запознават с резултатите

Evaluation process of the INGENIUM Research Group Proposals and results approved by the INGENIUM Research School Board (IRSB). Each application involving at least three INGENIUM partners has been evaluated by two reviewers, who could be members of the INGENIUM Research School Board (IRSB) or expert advisors from the INGENIUM universities. Reviewers were not directly involved […]

126 researchers from 8 countries participated in MU-Sofia webinar 

участниците в уебинара на екран

126 participants participated online in a research funding webinar that Medical University-Sofia hosted on June 26, 2024. The event was organized within the international project Boosting Ingenium for Excellence (BI4E) and attracted guests from the initiative’s partner universities from Germany, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Romania, France and Sweden and, of course, Bulgaria. The participants – doctoral […]

MU-Sofia organizes a webinar on research funding

лого на bi4e и портрети на лекторите

All scientists and PhD students from the Medical University-Sofia to join a free webinar on research funding on June 26 (Wednesday) from 1 to 3 p.m.  You will gain invaluable knowledge about the Horizon Europe programme, alternative sources of funding and the commercialization of innovation in science.  The event is organized by MU-Sofia, with international […]

Polish delegation of the Medical University of Lodz visited MU-Sofia

проф. Петкова на среща с полската делегация

Medical University – Sofia and Medical University of Lodz, Poland, have a long-standing excellent partnership within the framework of the Alliance4Life Project under the Horizon Europe Programme. The six-member Polish delegation is visiting its Bulgarian partner at the level of academic and administrative staff in the period 17-19.06.2024 in Sofia. Prof. Valentina Petkova-Dimitrova, DSc, Vice […]

INGENIUM Supports European Commission’s Blueprint for a European Degree and Urges National Authorities to Facilitate Implementation

Млади студенти на път към университет

The INGENIUM Steering Committee has endorsed the European Commission’s proposal, “A Blueprint for a European Degree,” which outlines a pathway for establishing a European Degree and facilitate transnational cooperation. Pending governmental approval of the necessary legal framework for implementing the European Degree, INGENIUM is committed to advancing its joint educational offer with programmes such as […]

Building Together: 18 Months of Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence

Брошури на BI4E

In March 2024, the project Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence (BI4E) has completed 18 of its 36-month lifespan. The 8 partner universities, including Medical University-Sofia, have fulfilled half of their commitments to the European Commission, the technical work carried out has facilitated progress in all areas of the project’s focus: strategic planning, institutional transformation, governance, research […]

The third edition of 10 days of INGENIUM has successfully concluded

Кметът на Яш поздравява участниците

The Bulgarian delegation of teachers and students successfully completed their participation in the “10 Days of INGENIUM” event at the partner university “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania, in the period 20 – 24 May 2024A total of 5 students of MU-Sofia took an active part in Junior Summer School “10 DAYS OF INGENIUM […]