Krasi Pastirova

Minister of Education Prof. Galin Tsokov: The Medical University of Sofia is a face and a model for higher education

министърът на образованието връчва наградата на проф. Ланджов

The Medical University – Sofia has the most history and achievements, it is associated with several important trends. First of all, the almost zero unemployment of graduates and their high salary. And last but not least – it has a very high contribution to the two-fold increase in foreign students. This is a very serious […]

MU-Sofia with an award in all 5 directions from the “Academic Oscars” 2023

проф. Ланджов получава наградата от министър Цоков

The annual “Academic Oscars” 2023 ceremony was held for the eighth time in a row. In the presence of the Prime Minister Acad. Nikolay Denkov, the Minister of Education and Science Prof. Galin Tsokov, the chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Education and Science Krasimir Valchev, the mayor of Sofia, Mr. Vasil Terziev and several […]

Medical University – Sofia hosted the Kick-off physical meeting of WP2 and WP4 of European University INGENIUM

обща снимка на участниците в срещата

Medical University – Sofia hosted the meeting of Work packages №2 and №4 of the European University INGENIUM. The official guests: Dr. Ivana Radonova, State Expert, Higher Education Directorate, Ministry of Education and Science, Prof. Eliza Stefanova, Director of the National Assessment and Accreditation Agency (NAAA), as well as Prof. Petya Kabakchieva, former director of […]

MU – Sofia joined for another year the initiative clean up Bulgaria


On a rainy Saturday, employees, professors and students from Medical University – Sofia participated in the now traditional for the university Clean-up Day. The meeting point was in front of the building of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, where many enthusiasts gathered to contribute to the noble cause. The dean of the faculty of Dental […]

Scientific Francophonie Week, September 22-24, 2021 – Bucharest

The AUF is calling for presentations and posters within the framework of the First Councils on Scientific Francophonie to be sold on September 22 and 23, 2021 during the 18th General Assembly. This call invites educators, scientists, researchers, specialists or experts to share their experience and propose concrete and innovative actions on the topic of […]

Call for applications – Francophone professional internships 2022

French-speaking students from AUF member institutions from Central and Eastern Europe are invited to apply for international professional internship mobility to use their skills and knowledge in the workplace, with a view to professional integration. All the necessary information can be found on the agency’s website HERE The application deadline is March 21, 2022. For […]

Joint financing of projects under the Acces and Parceco 2024 programs

We are pleased to inform you that the calls for projects under the ACCES and PARCECO 2024 programs have been announced. ACCES is a program to co-finance the participation of Central and Eastern European scholars in seminars, conferences or congresses organized in France. PARCECO is a program to co-finance the participation of French scientists in […]