Category: News

Supporting the transformative impact of research infrastructure on European scientific research

The High Level Expert Group on the Progress of the European Strategy Forum on Scientific Infrastructures (ESFS) and other world-class research infrastructures in implementing policies and strategies for long-term sustainability presented its report. The High Level Expert Group (HLEG) was set up by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) in January […]

The European Commission is proposing a budget of € 17.3 billion for Horizon Europe – 2021

The European Commission proposed an EU budget of € 166.7 billion for 2021, to be complemented by a € 211 billion grant and approximately € 133 billion for Next Generation EU loans – the temporary instrument for recovery. The budget proposal for the first year of Horizon Europe is 17.3 billion euros. The amount should […]

European Commission updated information and action on COVID-19 in the context of the Horizon 2020 Framework Program

The European Commission adopted Decision C (2020) 4029 of 17 June 2020 updating information and action on COVID-19, in the context of the Horizon 2020 Framework Program (H2020 WP2018-2020 The European Research Area (ERA) corona platform offers up-to-date information on extending the deadline for Horizon 2020 competitions, information related to funded ongoing projects on the […]


On June 18, experts from the International Department of MU-Sofia took an active part in the Webinar “2020 XJTU – CEEC Higher Education Institutions: International cooperation & Exchanges”, organized by the Chinese leading Xi’an Jiaotong University. The event was held through Join Zoom Meeting in the context of the growing importance of modern digital platforms […]

The Erasmus+ Office at MU-Sofia met virtually with EU Commissioner Maria Gabriel on the occasion of a virtual dialogue on the future of the Programme

MU-Sofia took part in the virtual dialogue with guest speaker Ms. Maria Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth and the participation of a number of international offices in Bulgarian universities. The organizer of the event on the topic “The future of the Erasmus + programme in Bulgaria” is Erasmus Student Network […]

Education and Research Network for Peace and Sustainable Development calls for open research grant teaching positions

Call for Applications: Open positions for cross-appointed research fellows NERPS has secured a multi-year funding from 2020 to 2021 to support research and the establishment of new research clusters at Hiroshima University on the nexus of sustainability and peace in the context of global environmental change, including the post COVID-19 era. We invited applications from […]


The Organizers – the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Science & Education Foundation, and partners are pleased to invite you to participate in conferences, part of International Scientific Events 2020, to be held in Flora Expo Center, Burgas on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast (EU). Economy & Business, 19th International Conference […]

The National University of the North West of Buenos Aires Province (UNNOBA) in Argentina, partner of Medical University – Sofia, with free online language courses for students of MU-Sofia

The National University of the North West of Buenos Aires Province (UNNOBA) in Argentina offers new courses for students from their partner universities like Medical University – Sofia. The new online courses starting in August and open to all those interested in studying at UNNOBA. The courses will be fully taught in Spanish and free […]

The Russian government announced a competition for a Leading Scientist

Samara State Medical University, Russia, is inviting you to participate in a government-funded Megagrant with Russia’s Ministry of Science and Education. The maximum amount of the grant: 90 million rubles. Implementation period: 2021-2023 Aim of the Megagrant: creation of an international research laboratory in the universities, with the participation of a team of 2 young scientists […]

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH FOUNDATION (SRF) releases information on participation in a competition under the National Science Program “Peter Beron. Science and Innovation with Europe (Peter Beron and WE) ”

The overall goal of the program is to accelerate the reintegration and career development in Bulgarian universities and research organizations of promising scientists with internationally recognized scientific results. The program stimulates the development of the research potential in Bulgaria as a necessary fundamental step for the creation of a sustainable scientific and innovative environment and for […]