Category: News & Events

EC launches online consultation on research security

онагледяване на сигурността

Openness and international cooperation are key to world-class research. However, withgeopolitical tensions rising, researchers and academics increasingly face risks whencollaborating globally.It is therefore vital that European research organizations, both public and private, aresupported to address these risks by ensuring that research and innovation are not misused inways that affect our security or breach ethical norms […]

Annual International meeting of the “ECTS Medical Association” at the University of Tartu, Estonia.

Student Presenting

ECTS MA, is an association whose members are medical faculties from the European Union (including Switzerland and Norway). The aim of this association is the optimization of the exchange of Medical Students within the E.U. using the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). This year’s annual meeting, which took place between 04-06 May, was held at […]

MU-Sofia opens the application campaign for medical students to participate in the Erasmus+ Program


The application campaign for medical students to participate in the Erasmus+ Program has the following parameters: for studies and traineeship for the academic year 2023-2024; for traineeship until the end of the academic year 2022-2023; PhD students for the current and next academic year; Documents are submitted by email: The deadline for submission of […]

1st working meeting at MU-Sofia under the INGENIUM European University project

момент от работната среща на групите

The Bulgarian working team of the INGENIUM European University gathered for its 1st  working meeting in the Rectorate of MU-Sofia. The team includes representatives of the management, of the Central Medical Library, of the Department of Language Training and Sports, as well as leading experts from the teaching and administrative staff. In the first year […]

Workshop on "National Infrastructure Capacity in Translational Medicine"

The European Scientific Infrastructure for Translational Medicine EATRIS-ERIC in Bulgaria invites representatives of the interested scientific and academic teams to a workshop on “National Infrastructure Capacity in Translational Medicine”, which will be held on November 5, 2022 at 10 a.m. at the Sheraton Hotel . The working language during the meeting is English. The program […]

Intensive study program “Diagnostics in Gynecology”

The University of Maribor, Slovenia is organizing an intensive study program “Diagnostics in Gynecology”, which includes online sessions as well as face-to-face work between 21 and 26 May 2023 in the city of Maribor, Slovenia. The application deadline is November 15, 2022 (MU-Sofia students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible). Selected candidates will […]

International food allergy research consortium kicks off

The ALLPreT project, an international research consortium to develop new approaches, tools, and assays that enable the safe introduction of novel foods, has now kicked off. ALLPreT  is an EC funded Horizon Europe Marie Curie Doctoral Training Network project. ALLPreT has the objective of protecting humans from unacceptable food allergy risks. The consortium brings together […]

The INGENIUM Alliance of European Universities


Medical University – Sofia is part of the European University alliance INGENIUM, born in 2020 as part of the European Universities Initiative launched by the European Commission via the Erasmus+ programme. INGENIUM brings together 10 universities from 10 countries of the European Union: • Germany: Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences • Bulgaria: Medical University of Sofia […]

MUS’ & Alliance4Life´s Positions on Aggression against Ukraine

The Alliance4Life, an association of twelve leading life science institutions and universities from eleven EU Member States located in Central and Eastern Europe (incl. Medical university – Sofia), addresses the academic and scientific community as well as EU institutions and EU members states with the following position on the aggression against Ukraine. Alliance4Life condemns in […]