Text – Combined Entrance Exam – MU-SOFIA – 25.08.2018 – RESULTS – Biology, Chemistry, Language Exam250818

Text – Combined Entrance Exam – MU-SOFIA – 25.08.2018 – RESULTS – Biology, Chemistry, Language Exam250818
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “And the Embassy of the Republic of India In the Republic of Bulgaria are pleased to invite you to the lecture of H. E. Ram Nath Kovind, president of the Re public of India on the topic „ Education as an instrument of change and common prosperity “on 5th September […]
The prominent representative of the Bulgarian community of anatomy and the former rector of the Medical University of Sofia, Prof. Dr. Vasil Vasilev, today turns 90 years old. Congratulations on the occasion of the holiday to Prof. Vasilev sent the present rector Prof. Dr. Viktor Zlatkov with wishes for good health, prosperity, peace and joy […]
The Ministry of Education and Science, in cooperation with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and with the support of the Embassy of Japan in Sofia, are pleased to invite you to a public lecture by Prof. Shinya Yamanaka, a Japanese Nobel laureate in Physiology and Medicine: “Induced pluripotent stem cells “A new era in medicine.” […]
Following a competition organized by the Ministry of Education, young scientists from Bulgaria were given the opportunity to visit the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy, to present their research. The group includes four representatives from Bulgarian Academy of science and one from University of National and World Economy, Technical […]
Bulgaria has joined the Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC) at its Assembly of Members, which took place in Bologna on the 23rd May 2018. Bulgaria will be represented by the Medical University-Sofia and becomes the 21st Member. The Medical University-Sofia (MUS) is the biggest university in the field of medical […]
The rector of the Medical University – Sofia – Prof. Dr. Viktor Zlatkov, vice rector of “International activity and postgraduate studies” – Prof. Dr. Radomir Ugrinov, and head of department “International Integration & Project Funding ” – Prof. Dr. Radoslav Girchev had a workshop with Prof. Constantinos Christofides, rector of the University of Cyprus, Nicosia. […]
Our colleagues at St. Catherine University Hospital, an integral part of Medical University – Sofia, have performed another successful heart transplant. Under the leadership of Prof. Gencho Nachev, the hospital’s executive director, the multidisciplinary team succeeded in replacing the artificial heart of a 31-year-old man who for years compensated for severe heart failure. The patient […]
The official promotion of the anniversary graduation of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Sofia took place on January 19, 2018 in Hall № 1 of the National Palace of Culture. In November we celebrated 100 years. The event was hosted by journalist Evelina Pavlova. The Rector was present – Prof. Viktor […]
On the website of the Ministry of Health (http://www.mh.government.bg/ ) an order of the Minister of Health (RD-01-03 / dated 12.01.2018) was published to appoint national consultants to the Ministry of Health and medical non-medical specialties in the healthcare system, highly specialized and specific areas within the respective specialty, in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance […]