Krasi Pastirova

Online training project in dental medicine launched with Romanian universities

The Faculty of Dental Medicine at MU-Sofia welcomed representatives of the partner medical university “Grigore T. Popa” – Romania in the framework of a new project for cooperation between the two schools and the University “Nicolae Testemitanu” – Moldova, which is ruled out under the auspices of AUF – Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie. . […]

Faculty of Public Health Celebrates its 25th anniversary

Today, the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University – Sofia celebrates 25 years since its founding. The youngest, but of key importance for the Bulgarian healthcare, faculty is constantly developing and in unison with the European tendencies in the health policy and management. This year an official opening of a new department is […]

Samara NeuroWeek Overview

Hello everyone! Today we want to shortly tell you about Samara NeuroWeek 2020 which includes several events together with the Brain-Computer Interfaces conference program: Science & Practice, or simple BCI Samara – that annually gathers hundreds of attendees and thouthands of online viewers since 2015 . We are proud to launch and announce something really […]

IMPORTANT – Registration for online education

The management of Medical University-Sofia kindly asks all foreign students to register in the online education platform and get their personal accounts. This could be done only if you have your personal 12-diigits ID code which could be found on most certificates issued by Foreign Students Departments.  It starts with 229100****** In case you do […]


The start of the new academic year 2020/2021 at the Medical University – Sofia was solemnly given today at a grand ceremony. Official guests were the Mayor of Sofia Mrs. Yordanka Fandakova, the Minister of Education Krassimir Valchev, the Minister of Health Prof. Dr. Kostadin Angelov, the Chairman of the Bulgarian Medical Association Dr. Ivan […]

Invitation to participate in the conference “Future of clinical trials, AI and data”

The British Embassy in Sofia, together with partners from Biotech Atelier and the Romanian organization AVANTYO оrganize a tripartite conference UK-Bulgaria-Romania, on the following topic: “Future of clinical trials, AI and data”, which will be held on September 25, 2020. The program of the conference, participating speakers and topics for discussion can be seen at the […]

Digital Transformation Challenges International Scientific Online Conference

Eastern European University Association (EEUA) invites you to participate in EdCrunch Ural Conference —an International Scientific Online Conference devoted to Digital Transformation Challenges (September 29-30, 2020). The main topic of this year’s EdCrunch Ural Conference is the challenges of digitalization. You will learn about the best practices and tools for developing students’ key […]


The management of Medical University – Sofia most kindly invites first year students, teachers and all who are interested to the grand opening of the new academic year 2020/2021. The ceremony will take place on October 5th, 2020 / Monday / from 11:00 am in the open air at the Medical and Biological Center of MU-Sofia on Zdrave Street. All are welcome!

Invitation to take part in Samara State Medical University Conference: SIMS 2020

On 14th October 2020 Samara State Medical University organizes the National Scientific Conference of young scientists with international participation: “Samara International Medical Science 2020” (SIMS 2020). Registration deadline: 2nd September 2020 You can register for the conference at HERE We invite the following participants under the age of 35: ● Young scientists ● Postgraduates ● […]