Krasi Pastirova

Supporting the transformative impact of research infrastructure on European scientific research

The High Level Expert Group on the Progress of the European Strategy Forum on Scientific Infrastructures (ESFS) and other world-class research infrastructures in implementing policies and strategies for long-term sustainability presented its report. The High Level Expert Group (HLEG) was set up by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) in January […]

The European Commission is proposing a budget of € 17.3 billion for Horizon Europe – 2021

The European Commission proposed an EU budget of € 166.7 billion for 2021, to be complemented by a € 211 billion grant and approximately € 133 billion for Next Generation EU loans – the temporary instrument for recovery. The budget proposal for the first year of Horizon Europe is 17.3 billion euros. The amount should […]


Още една придобивка за студентите откри в края на мандата си настоящото ръководство на Медицински университет -София. Ректорът проф. Вкитор Златков заедно с изпълняващия длъжността областен управител Мирослав Комитски и директора на филиал – Враца “Проф. Д-р Иван Митев” доц. Павлинка Добрилова, прерязаха лентата на изцяло реновираното студентско общежитие. All repair works […]

The Erasmus+ Office at MU-Sofia met virtually with EU Commissioner Maria Gabriel on the occasion of a virtual dialogue on the future of the Programme

MU-Sofia took part in the virtual dialogue with guest speaker Ms. Maria Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth and the participation of a number of international offices in Bulgarian universities. The organizer of the event on the topic “The future of the Erasmus + programme in Bulgaria” is Erasmus Student Network […]

Education and Research Network for Peace and Sustainable Development calls for open research grant teaching positions

Call for Applications: Open positions for cross-appointed research fellows NERPS has secured a multi-year funding from 2020 to 2021 to support research and the establishment of new research clusters at Hiroshima University on the nexus of sustainability and peace in the context of global environmental change, including the post COVID-19 era. We invited applications from […]

New Оrder of the Rector in connection with the training at MU-Sofia

ORDER № РК-36-1396/15.06.2020 Pursuant to Art. 32, para. 1, item 1 of the Health Insurance Act, in connection with the State of Emergency declared on 13th March 2020 by a Decision of the National Assembly (promulgated, SG No. 28 / 24.03.2020), due to the aggravated epidemiological situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic and extended term […]


Pursuant to Art. 32, para. 1, item 1 of the Health Insurance Act, in connection with the State of Emergency declared on 13th March 2020 by a Decision of the National Assembly (promulgated, SG No. 28/24.03.2020), due to the aggravated epidemiological situation related to COVID-19 pandemic and the extension of its term by Decision of […]

The Pythagorean 2020 awards were presented on May 24th

For the 12th time, the Ministry of Education and Science presented awards to scientists, research teams and organizations for achievements in the field of science and technology, determined by an authoritative jury composed of previously awarded winners. Guests of the ceremony were the EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Maria Gabriel and the […]

Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences (KVK) announces their new online event

During this difficult quarantine period, KVK organizes INFO DAYS remotely and invites you to take part in these seminars: BECOME A STUDENT AT KVK! The seminar is dedicated for prospective incoming Erasmus+ students and for all our partner universities.  KVK offers a strong academic reputation, international students’ environment, various events and activities, affordable living and […]

Addendum to the Rector’s order from 13th May

In compliance with the Art. 32, para 1 of the HЕА, art. 63, para al. 4, 6, 11 and Art. 63a of the Health Act, in connection with the declared by the Council of Ministers Decision № 325 from 14.05.2020 extraordinary epidemic situation and measures introduced by Order №RD-01-263 from 14.05.2020 of the Minister of […]