Krasi Pastirova

The third edition of 10 days of INGENIUM has successfully concluded

Кметът на Яш поздравява участниците

The Bulgarian delegation of teachers and students successfully completed their participation in the “10 Days of INGENIUM” event at the partner university “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania, in the period 20 – 24 May 2024A total of 5 students of MU-Sofia took an active part in Junior Summer School “10 DAYS OF INGENIUM […]

Покана за участие в Health HacKathon


DHI Cluster Bulgaria и AstraZeneca организират здравен хакатон (Health Hack), насочен към студенти (3.-6. курс) и докторанти по медицина и фармация към Медицински университет-София. Събитието ще се проведе на 31 май и  1 юни 2024 година с начален час 16:00 часа в офиса на AstraZeneca е София (бул. Черни връх 51, Office X). Планирана е […]

The creator of the Bulgarian BCG vaccine against tuberculosis

Dr. Srebra Rodopska is the creator of the Bulgarian vaccine against tuberculosis. Thanks to her research work, Bulgaria became the first country in Europe to introduce mandatory immunization of newborns, which led to a drastic drop in mortality and complications from tuberculosis. Dr. Srebra Rodopska was born on April 17, 1913 in Sofia. He graduated […]

MU- Sofia welcomed the first academic delegation from the Universiteti i Gjakovës”Fehmi Agani” – R Kosovo

разговор межд,у домакините и гостите от Р Косово

In implementation of the current mobility project Erasmus+ Programme KA171, the Faculty of Public Health Prof. Tzecomir Vodenitcharov, MD, PhD, DSc, at MU-Sofia shared its experience in reorganizing the training programs for nurses and midwives in accordance with European directives and requirements. It is expected that professors from the FOZ Prof. Tzecomir Vodenitcharov, MD, PhD, […]

Innovative pedagogy showcased on May 16 – Register Now for the Staff Academy Webinar!

Experience the latest in innovative pedagogy at the upcoming INGENIUM Staff Academy Webinar Series. Mark your calendars for May 16th, from 12 to 1 pm (CET), and secure your spot by registering here! Our distinguished guest speakers, representing three INGENIUM universities, are set to captivate you with their compelling topics: Ignacio Rodriguez-Larrad, Ramon y Cajal […]

Second Info Day on BI4E held at MU-Sofia

Магдалена Каснакова представя BI4E

An info-session on BI4E project was held at the Medical University-Sofia during a large international conference hosted by the university on April 19th, 2024. This is the second Info Day organized by the MU-Sofia since it became a part of the Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence (BI4E) joint initiative of eight European higher education institutions. Almost […]

EU Commissioner Ivanova supported the ECTS MA meeting in MU-Sofia 

обща снимка на участниците

Medical University – Sofia hosted the annual meeting of the European Association of Medical Faculties (ECTS Medicine Association – линк), which took place on April 18-20th, 2024. The event brought together nearly 100 delegates from 53 leading medical universities and faculties from the EU, Switzerland and the European Economic Area. The rector, Prof. Dr. Boycho […]

Sign up as a guest speaker for the INGENIUM Staff Academy Webinar – the next one is on May 16


We have a lot of excellent teaching methods to share with our colleagues from the INGENIUM universities. As we can choose only one case from each INGENIUM university for the Staff Academy live events, we offer you an opportunity to share your good practice in teaching as a guest speaker in the webinar series! The […]