Category: International relations

Call for Applications: INGENIUM Winter Junior & Senior School

Визията на INGENIUM

The University of Crete and the Munster Technological University organises the Winter Senior School in the second edition of the “10 days of INGENIUM” events.  Master, PhD students and early career researchers are invited to participate.  The Winter School brings together students and mentors from all 10 INGENIUM members in Europe to explore, reflect and […]

INGENIUM Days at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HKA) were successfully completed

момент от работните срещи

The INGENIUM European University was launched on the 19th of June 2023 in Karlsruhe, at the University of Applied Sciences – HKA. The forum was attended by students and employees of the Medical University – Sofia. HKA is establishing a European campus with its partners in Bulgaria, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Spain and […]

Working meeting of the partners in Skövde, Sweden

групова снимка на партньорите в Скьовде

This week in Skövde, Sweden, representatives of some of the higher education institutions, part of the INGENIUM European University, gathered. The meeting was part of the Boosting Ingenium for Excellence project, BI4E, which includes eight universities from the alliance. BI4E mainly focuses on cooperation and exchange of experience between higher education institutions, around research and […]

Students from MUS participate in the first INGENIUM Summer School

група студенти на обучение

Twice a year the INGENIUM European University organizes the 10 DAYS OF INGENIUM event. This year, the first event of the alliance, of which Medical University – Sofia is a part, is hosted by the University of Applied Sciences in Karlsruhe, Germany and the University Gabriele d’Annunzio in Chieti and Pescara, Italy. The INGENIUM Junior […]

BI4E Local Info Green Day at MU – Sofia

Проф. Танкова представя проект BI4E

Guests from various institutions, lecturers and students participated in the green initiative ,,Green Days at MU – Sofia 20-23.04.2023″ in honor of Earth Day 2023. ,,Green Days” is organized for the first time as part of the university green policy under the Project BI4E and promises to become a traditional local forum for discussing of […]

Alliance4Life Green Second Trigger Event was held at MU-Sofia

Presentation Aliance4live

In the period 20-22.04.2023, the Alliance4Life Green Second Trigger Event Sofia was held at the Medical University – Sofia, part of the Event Calendar of the local trigger events within the framework of WP5 “Trigger Events” to the project A4L_ACTIONS (#964997) “ALLIANCE FOR LIFE SCIENCES: FROM STRATEGIES TO ACTIONS IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE”, H2020-SC1-2020-SINGLE-STAGE-RTD, […]

Annual International meeting of the “ECTS Medical Association” at the University of Tartu, Estonia.

Student Presenting

ECTS MA, is an association whose members are medical faculties from the European Union (including Switzerland and Norway). The aim of this association is the optimization of the exchange of Medical Students within the E.U. using the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). This year’s annual meeting, which took place between 04-06 May, was held at […]

MU-Sofia will host the ECTS MA annual meeting in 2024

Representatives of the MIPF team took an active part in the annual working meeting of the ECTS MA network “Foundation of ECTS Medicine Association” (association of Medical Faculties from the EU, incl. from Norway and Switzerland) in June 2022 in Valencia, Spain. After nominations were submitted, MU-Sofia was voted the Association’s next big host, planned […]

MU-Sofia opens the application campaign for medical students to participate in the Erasmus+ Program


The application campaign for medical students to participate in the Erasmus+ Program has the following parameters: for studies and traineeship for the academic year 2023-2024; for traineeship until the end of the academic year 2022-2023; PhD students for the current and next academic year; Documents are submitted by email: The deadline for submission of […]

1st working meeting at MU-Sofia under the INGENIUM European University project

момент от работната среща на групите

The Bulgarian working team of the INGENIUM European University gathered for its 1st  working meeting in the Rectorate of MU-Sofia. The team includes representatives of the management, of the Central Medical Library, of the Department of Language Training and Sports, as well as leading experts from the teaching and administrative staff. In the first year […]