Category: News

Addendum to the Rector’s order from 13th May

In compliance with the Art. 32, para 1 of the HЕА, art. 63, para al. 4, 6, 11 and Art. 63a of the Health Act, in connection with the declared by the Council of Ministers Decision № 325 from 14.05.2020 extraordinary epidemic situation and measures introduced by Order №RD-01-263 from 14.05.2020 of the Minister of […]

Prof. Hadjidekov – about learning with love “during cholera”

I’m Lubo, a fourth-year student. In the last 2 weeks, the Department of Imaging Diagnostics at the University Hospital “Alexandrovska” conducted a useful online course. Prof. Hadjidekov was brave enough, responsible enough and courteous enough to organize the young lecturers in the Department and together they managed to engage us sincerely. To inspire us. To […]

New order by the Rector in connection with the lifting of the state of emergency

In compliance with the Art. 32, para. 1, item 1 of the HЕА, in connection with the state of emergency declared on 13.03.2020 by a Decision of  the Bulgarian National Assembly (promulgated, SG No. 28/24.03.2020), due to the aggravated epidemiological situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic and extension of its term by Decision of  the […]

260 state-supported health mediators work in 136 municipalities in Bulgaria

260 state-supported health mediators work in Bulgaria in 136 municipalities. 50 new ones will study this year at the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University – Sofia. The training of health mediators is currently held online and is organized for the ninth consecutive year by the National Network of Health Mediators in partnership […]

Medical University – Sofia with “Green University” badge in UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2019

Ecology and sustainable development are among the most actual problems of the global society, which provoked MU-Sofia to take adequate measures to limit the harmful effects on the environment. The results are already a reality, and in March 2020 MU-Sofia was ranked in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2019. The UI Green Metric World […]

Online sessions for orthopedists are initiated by the Medical University – Sofia

An initiative to promote the qualification and training of Bulgarian medics during the COVID-19 pandemic was initiated by the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Medical University (MU) – Sofia. In a pandemic and quarantine environment, the only way to exchange experience between professionals is through virtual communication. The department has planned a series […]

More and more students at the MU-Sofia are volunteering

Students enrolled as volunteers from the different faculties of MU-Sofia are already 100. Medical professionals are the most vulnerable in the conditions of a coronavirus pandemic. Our students have been with front line doctors since the beginning of the emergency situation. They work in hospitals that accept COVID-19 infected patients, including medical students, pharmacists, nurses, midwives, […]

Order by the Rector concerning the educational process of the students

The Rector of MU-Sofia, Prof. Dr. Victor Zlatkov, has issued a new order (РК 36 -526/15.04.2020 y.) by which he extends the term of the non-attendance training (electronic, sound or written) until 13.05.2020., in compliance with all anti-epidemic measures and in accordance with the recommendations by the Ministry of Health, the National Operational Headquarters and […]