Category: News


Pursuant to Art. 32, para. 1, item 1 of the Health Insurance Act, in connection with the State of Emergency declared on 13th March 2020 by a Decision of the National Assembly (promulgated, SG No. 28/24.03.2020), due to the aggravated epidemiological situation related to COVID-19 pandemic and the extension of its term by Decision of […]

The Pythagorean 2020 awards were presented on May 24th

For the 12th time, the Ministry of Education and Science presented awards to scientists, research teams and organizations for achievements in the field of science and technology, determined by an authoritative jury composed of previously awarded winners. Guests of the ceremony were the EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Maria Gabriel and the […]

RECTOR’S MESSAGE OF CONGRATULATION ON THE OCCASION OF MAY 24th – The Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and of the Slavonic Script

DEAR COLLEAGUES AND STUDENTS! On my behalf and on behalf of the Management of Medical University – Sofia, accept our official congratulations on the occasion of May 24th – the Day of Bulgarian education and Culture and of the Slavonic script. This is the day on which we pay our respect to the equal-to-the-apostles Cyril and Methodius. […]

Addendum to the Rector’s order from 13th May

In compliance with the Art. 32, para 1 of the HЕА, art. 63, para al. 4, 6, 11 and Art. 63a of the Health Act, in connection with the declared by the Council of Ministers Decision № 325 from 14.05.2020 extraordinary epidemic situation and measures introduced by Order №RD-01-263 from 14.05.2020 of the Minister of […]

Prof. Hadjidekov – about learning with love “during cholera”

I’m Lubo, a fourth-year student. In the last 2 weeks, the Department of Imaging Diagnostics at the University Hospital “Alexandrovska” conducted a useful online course. Prof. Hadjidekov was brave enough, responsible enough and courteous enough to organize the young lecturers in the Department and together they managed to engage us sincerely. To inspire us. To […]

New order by the Rector in connection with the lifting of the state of emergency

In compliance with the Art. 32, para. 1, item 1 of the HЕА, in connection with the state of emergency declared on 13.03.2020 by a Decision of  the Bulgarian National Assembly (promulgated, SG No. 28/24.03.2020), due to the aggravated epidemiological situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic and extension of its term by Decision of  the […]

260 state-supported health mediators work in 136 municipalities in Bulgaria

260 state-supported health mediators work in Bulgaria in 136 municipalities. 50 new ones will study this year at the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University – Sofia. The training of health mediators is currently held online and is organized for the ninth consecutive year by the National Network of Health Mediators in partnership […]