Krasi Pastirova

Bachelor program for Nursing in English is open for year 2022/23

Medical University-Sofia announces the new Bachelor program “Nursing” in English for international students which will be open for the academic 2022/2023 year. The entrance exam will be for knowledge of the English language. The Faculty of Public Health provides a 4-year long Nursing program in English. The complete course of education is organized in the […]


According to the new VISA D system requirements for third country applicants to the Medical University of Sofia for the upcoming academic year, all their documents should be presented both on paper/originals and on a USB device. Each document should be scanned as a separate PDF file, named according to its content and containing at […]

ESMO-ESO Course on Medical Oncology for Medical Students – Valencia 2022

ESMO, the European Society for Medical Oncology, organize the ESMO-ESO Course on Medical Oncology for Medical Students, 14-19 July 2022, Valencia, Spain. This annual five-day residential course is open to 4th and 5th year medical students undergraduates worldwide. 60 seats are available and selected students will receive free registration, free accommodation and a travel grant. […]

National Library Week campaign at the Central Medical Library

The 16th  National Library Week “Investing in libraries – investing in the future”, organized by the Bulgarian Library and Information Association, will take place between 9 and 13 May 2022.  The campaign traditionally involves many public, school, scientific and academic libraries with diverse events across the whole country.  The Central Medical Library, a member of […]

April 7 – non-attendance day at MU-Sofia

In connection with a decision of the Academic Council on the occasion of the Day of Research and Teaching at MU-Sofia – April 7, the day will be a non-school day for all students and non-attendance day for all teachers and employees of MU-Sofia. The decision was announced to all units by a special order […]

MUS’ Rector Acad. Prof. Lachezar Traykov, MD, D.Sc. received the academic Oscar by the Bulgarian daily newspaper “24 Hours”

акад. Трайков с наградата

The academic Oscar for excellent performance of Medical University-Sofia in the Bulgarian University Ranking System was personally received yesterday in the editorial office of the Bulgarian daily newspaper “24 Hours” by the rector of MU-Sofia Acad. Prof. Lachezar Traykov, MD, D.Sc. He thanked the publisher Venelina Gocheva and said that the previous awards for the […]

MUS’ & Alliance4Life´s Positions on Aggression against Ukraine

The Alliance4Life, an association of twelve leading life science institutions and universities from eleven EU Member States located in Central and Eastern Europe (incl. Medical university – Sofia), addresses the academic and scientific community as well as EU institutions and EU members states with the following position on the aggression against Ukraine. Alliance4Life condemns in […]

Prominent benefactor in healthcare has become “Doctor Honoris Causa” of MU-Sofia

Medical University of Sofia awards the title “Doctor Honoris Causa” to one of the most active benefactors in the field of medicine in our country. This is Prof. Dr. Valentin Djonov, MD, Director of the Institute of Anatomy at the University of Bern, Switzerland. Prof. Djonov is an anatomist of international renown, among the first […]

Opportunities for funding of outstanding projects by the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)

The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) offers a dedicated source of funding for outstanding projects in ICGEB Member States, with the goal of promoting collaboration, training of young scientists and the development of research facilities. The programme provides support for research activities in: basic life sciences human healthcare industrial and agricultural biotechnology […]