Krasi Pastirova

Procedure for Support of International Scientific Forums Held in the Republic of Bulgaria has been published

The purpose of the procedure is to support the holding of international scientific forums while respecting the principle of shared funding. This provides an opportunity for active involvement of Bulgarian scientists in the international scientific community, popularization of scientific results; their international comparability. Expected results: To establish and deepen the cooperation of Bulgarian scientists […]

The Scientific Research Fund invites you to participate in the “Competition under the National Science Program Peter Beron – Science and Innovation with Europe.” – 2020

The objectives of the program are defined in the respective National Scientific Program “Peter Beron, Science and Innovation with Europe”, adopted by the Council of Ministers and in the specific conditions of the program. General goal of the program The overall goal of the program is to accelerate the reintegration and career development in Bulgarian […]

NEW Call for Proposal: EIC Horizon Prize for ‘Early Warning for Epidemics’ Call ID: H2020-Epidemics-EICPrize-2020

Type of action: IPr Inducement Prize Deadline Model: single-stage   Opening:   26 April 2018 Deadline:   16 February 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time Topic Description: Specific Challenge: The challenge is to develop a scalable, reliable and cost-effective early warning system prototype to forecast and monitor vector-borne diseases in order to contribute to the prevention of […]

NEW Call for Proposal: EIC Horizon Prize for ‘Early Warning for Epidemics’ Call ID: H2020-Epidemics-EICPrize-2020

Type of action: IPr Inducement Prize Deadline Model: single-stage Opening:   26 April 2018 Deadline:   16 February 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time Topic Description: Specific Challenge: The challenge is to develop a scalable, reliable and cost-effective early warning system prototype to forecast and monitor vector-borne diseases in order to contribute to the prevention of outbreaks mitigating their […]

Medical University – Sofia awarded Prof. Dirk Dressler with the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa

The German professor Dr. Dirk Dressler is the holder of the honorary title Doctor Honoris Causa at MU-Sofia for 2020. It was awarded at the suggestion of Acad. Ivan Milanov, after coordination with the Faculty of Medicine and approval by the Academic Council of the University. At an official ceremony in the auditorium “Prof. […]

German Professor Dirk Dressler will receive the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa at the Medical University – Sofia

At the suggestion of Acad. Ivan Milanov, after coordination with the Faculty of Medicine and approval by the Academic Council, the Rector of the Medical University – Sofia, Prof. Dr. Victor Zlatkov will award the honorary title “Doctor Honoris Causa” to Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Dressler. The solemn ceremony will take place on […]


MU-Sofia will host a webinar with a focus on Erasmus +, KD107 – the EC program for students and staff mobility – cooperation with partner countries. The event will take place on July 14th, 2020 and will bring together participants from four non-EU countries – Japan, Morocco, Jordan and South Africa, who will have the […]

Supporting the transformative impact of research infrastructure on European scientific research

The High Level Expert Group on the Progress of the European Strategy Forum on Scientific Infrastructures (ESFS) and other world-class research infrastructures in implementing policies and strategies for long-term sustainability presented its report. The High Level Expert Group (HLEG) was set up by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) in January […]

The European Commission is proposing a budget of € 17.3 billion for Horizon Europe – 2021

The European Commission proposed an EU budget of € 166.7 billion for 2021, to be complemented by a € 211 billion grant and approximately € 133 billion for Next Generation EU loans – the temporary instrument for recovery. The budget proposal for the first year of Horizon Europe is 17.3 billion euros. The amount should […]


Още една придобивка за студентите откри в края на мандата си настоящото ръководство на Медицински университет -София. Ректорът проф. Вкитор Златков заедно с изпълняващия длъжността областен управител Мирослав Комитски и директора на филиал – Враца “Проф. Д-р Иван Митев” доц. Павлинка Добрилова, прерязаха лентата на изцяло реновираното студентско общежитие. All repair works […]