Krasi Pastirova


студенти в първия учебен ден

We would like to inform you that MU-Sofia held a second admission round for for candidate students citizens from EU and EEA countries in the specialty “Medicine”. The following applicants are ranked with their incoming numbers: Deadline until 15:30 p.m. on 31.10.2024. all approved candidates to confirm in the MU-Sofia Department of Education their interest […]

Call for Applications for INGENIUM Winter Junior & Senior School

The South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK), Finland, and the University of Oviedo “Milán Campus” in Oviedo, Spain, are organizing a Winter School as part of the third edition of the “10 Days of INGENIUM” events. The call for participation is  extended to students in bachelor’s, master’s programs, PhD candidates, and early-career researchers. The […]

Start of the 2024/25 academic year for international students at MU-Sofia

залата с първокурсниците

The beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year for the international students at the Medical University – Sofia was given yesterday with a solemn ceremony in the Anatomical Auditorium of the Medical-Biological Complex. The new students filled the hall to hear the welcoming words of the university management – the Rector, Prof. Dr. Boycho Landzhov, MD, […]

Invitation for free participation of doctoral (PhD) students in an international BI4E workshop

лого МУ и BI4E

MU-Sofia as a part of the Horizon Europe project “Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence” BI4E invites all its PhD students to take part in the upcoming workshop “Publishing with Impact: Writing, Open Science, and Navigating Reviews”.The workshop in English will be held on Thursday, October 24, 2024, in the afternoon at 14:00-16:00 (Bulgarian time zone).  It […]

The MU-Sofia team on the BRIDGE project gathered for a kick-off meeting

първа среща

All 22 people who participate in the international project A4L_BRIDGE on behalf of the Medical University-Sofia gathered at the first general meeting for the Bulgarian team. It was held at the Rectorate of MU-Sofia lead by Prof. Ventsislava Pencheva, MD, PhD, Deputy Rector for International Integration and Project Funding, and Prof. Antonia Yanakieva, PhD, Head of the […]

To the attention of first-year international students

чуждестранни студенти на първи учебен ден

The official start of the 2024/2025 academic year for international students at the Medical University of Sofia will take place on Monday, October 21st, at 10:00 a.m. in the Anatomical Auditorium of the Medical-Biological Complex, located at 51 Pencho Slaveykov Blvd. This year, the Medical University of Sofia welcomes 501 new students from 44 EU and non-EU countries, enrolled in programs […]

Erasmus+ incoming students visited the Old Town of Plovdiv thanks to MU-Sofia

обща снимка на чуждестранните  еразъм студенти на централнта улица в Пловдив

MU-Sofia organized the event “Welcome Erasmus+ Integration Trip” in the period 21-22.08.2024 for incoming students who are currently studying at the university under the Erasmus+ program. They are from partner universities in Latvia, Georgia and Turkey. The group of 30 students and representatives of MU-Sofia visited the Old Town of Plovdiv and was accomodated in an […]

Hybrid Training ‘Current and Future Challenges in Higher Education’

Medical University – Sofia is excited to announce the upcoming of a unique Hybrid Training Week as a part of the Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence initiative. It will run from Monday, 9 September to Friday, 13 September 2024 online allowing also in-person participation in Sofia, hosted by MUS. Presentation topics are related to current and future challenges in higher education, focusing on the European Higher Education Area […]

Selected Projects from the INGENIUM Research Groups Call For Proposals

студенти се запознават с резултатите

Evaluation process of the INGENIUM Research Group Proposals and results approved by the INGENIUM Research School Board (IRSB). Each application involving at least three INGENIUM partners has been evaluated by two reviewers, who could be members of the INGENIUM Research School Board (IRSB) or expert advisors from the INGENIUM universities. Reviewers were not directly involved […]