Krasi Pastirova

EC launches online consultation on research security

онагледяване на сигурността

Openness and international cooperation are key to world-class research. However, withgeopolitical tensions rising, researchers and academics increasingly face risks whencollaborating globally.It is therefore vital that European research organizations, both public and private, aresupported to address these risks by ensuring that research and innovation are not misused inways that affect our security or breach ethical norms […]

Night of scientists at the Medical University – Sofia – 30.09.22

лого на европейска нощ на учените

For another year, the Center for Molecular Medicine at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Biochemistry in MU-Sofia will take part in the European Night of Scientists. The event will take place on September 30, 2022. and is realized within the framework of the SEARCH project, financed by the European Commission for the “Marie Sklodowska-Curie” […]

MU-Sofia hosts a meeting of 12 research universities from 11 countries

12-16 септември 2022

Representatives of 12 leading Universities and Institutes from 11 countries are meeting in Sofia to discuss ways to improve their research activities. The international meeting is part of the “Alliance for Life Sciences: From Strategies to Actions in Central and Eastern Europe” project, under the “Horizon Europe” Program, and Medical University – Sofia has been […]

Invitation to young scientists and doctoral students to participate in the online International Scientific Conference – Riga, 20-21.01.2022

The 12 European universities from the Alliance4Life consortium invite you to a scientific conference aimed at young scientists and doctoral students, which will take place on January 20-21, 2022. The virtual meeting in Riga will connect PhD students and post-doctoral fellows from leading research institutions in 11 European countries in interactive sessions, and innovation companies […]

Academic Traikov opened the meeting of the 12 European universities under the “Alliance4Life” project

акад.Трайков открива срещата на 11 изследователски института от 12 държави в София

Medical University – Sofia is hosting an international meeting with representatives of 12 leading universities and institutes from 11 countries, from Central and Eastern Europe, where ways to improve research activity will be discussed. The meeting is part of the “Alliance for Life Sciences: From Strategies to Actions in Central and Eastern Europe” project, under […]

Position paper on the impact of the energy crisis on medical research

снимка далекопроводи

Alliance4Life has issued a joint statement on the impact of the energy crisis on research institutions and the implications of rising operational costs for the sustainability of life sciences research. The energy crisis poses a significant risk of disruption to ongoing research and harms the efforts and funds spent on it. We strongly urge national […]

Spanish-Bulgarian-French meeting of the European Universities alliances in Sofia

Acad. prof. Latchezar Traykov in his capacity as Chairman of the Council of Rectors and representing MU – Sofia as the Bulgarian higher institution in the INGENIUM European University, participated in a unique international meeting. It was initiated by the embassies of France and the Kingdom of Spain in Bulgaria, with the support of the […]


The results from the rating ranking of universities in Bulgaria for the year 2023 are now clear. After MU-Sofia briefly dropped from first place in the “Health Care” field, this year it is once again the leader in all five fields in which it offers education. In the field of Medicine, we have 73 points, […]

Call for Applications: INGENIUM Winter Junior & Senior School

Визията на INGENIUM

The University of Crete and the Munster Technological University organises the Winter Senior School in the second edition of the “10 days of INGENIUM” events.  Master, PhD students and early career researchers are invited to participate.  The Winter School brings together students and mentors from all 10 INGENIUM members in Europe to explore, reflect and […]

Workshop on “National Infrastructure Capacity in Translational Medicine”

Workshop on “National Infrastructure Capacity in Translational Medicine” 26/10/2022 в International relations, News The European Scientific Infrastructure for Translational Medicine EATRIS-ERIC in Bulgaria invites representatives of the interested scientific and academic teams to a workshop on “National Infrastructure Capacity in Translational Medicine”, which will be held on November 5, 2022 at 10 a.m. at the […]