Category: NEWS

Medical University – Sofia awarded Prof. Dirk Dressler with the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa

The German professor Dr. Dirk Dressler is the holder of the honorary title Doctor Honoris Causa at MU-Sofia for 2020. It was awarded at the suggestion of Acad. Ivan Milanov, after coordination with the Faculty of Medicine and approval by the Academic Council of the University. At an official ceremony in the auditorium “Prof. […]

German Professor Dirk Dressler will receive the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa at the Medical University – Sofia

At the suggestion of Acad. Ivan Milanov, after coordination with the Faculty of Medicine and approval by the Academic Council, the Rector of the Medical University – Sofia, Prof. Dr. Victor Zlatkov will award the honorary title “Doctor Honoris Causa” to Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Dressler. The solemn ceremony will take place on […]

Order of the Rector for extension of the term of the online training and for completion of the Students Admission Campaign

ORDER № RK36-1568 / 30.06.2020 Pursuant to Art. 32, para. 1, item 1 of the Health Insurance Act, in connection with the state of emergency declared on 13 March 2020 by a Decision of the National Assembly (promulgated, SG No. 28 / 24.03.2020), due to the aggravated epidemiological situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic and extened term under […]


Още една придобивка за студентите откри в края на мандата си настоящото ръководство на Медицински университет -София. Ректорът проф. Вкитор Златков заедно с изпълняващия длъжността областен управител Мирослав Комитски и директора на филиал – Враца “Проф. Д-р Иван Митев” доц. Павлинка Добрилова, прерязаха лентата на изцяло реновираното студентско общежитие. All repair works […]