Category: News

29 November – the Patron Holiday of MU-Sofia is a school-free day

празна класна стая

In connection with the Patron Holiday of the Medical University-Sofia and the Holiday of the Faculty of Medicine, by order of the Rector, November 29, 2024 (Friday) is declared a day free from classes for the students and teachers of the Medical University-Sofia, but present for the administrative staff of MU-Sofia. You could see the […]

A linguistic quiz gathered international students at MU-Sofia

поглед към препълнената зала

The campaign to unite the multinational student community at the Medical University-Sofia continues. On Friday, students from different courses and faculties of MU-Sofia gathered for an interactive linguistic quiz to test their knowledge of the Bulgarian language, culture, traditions and geography. Students were able to answer questions through a mobile quiz platform on their phones, […]

Seminar-discussion on genomic medicine was organized by MU-Sofia and British Embassy-Sofia

проф. Радка Кънева открива форума

The Deputy Rector for Science and Accreditation of MU-Sofia, prof. Krasimira Yoncheva, Ph.D., opened a scientific seminar on “Genomic medicine for better health”, which was held in the Auditorium of UMBAL “St. Ekaterina” on November 7, 2024 The event was organized by the Medical University-Sofia and the British Embassy in Sofia, within the framework of […]

Sports day for international students at MU-Sofia

обща снимка на участниците в спортния полуден

A large-scale campaign to celebrate the multinational student community at the Medical University-Sofia started today. The initiative consists of 4 events in consecutive weeks and is within the framework of the National Program “Popularization of Bulgarian education and facilitation of access for Bulgarian nationals living abroad to study in Bulgarian higher education institutions” of the […]



We would like to inform you that MU-Sofia held a second admission round for for applicants third countries outside the EU and EEA in the specialty “Medicine”. The following applicants are admitted, listed here by their incoming numbers: Deadline until 15:30 p.m. on 04.11.2024 for all approved candidates to confirm in the MU-Sofia Department of […]


студенти в първия учебен ден

We would like to inform you that MU-Sofia held a second admission round for for candidate students citizens from EU and EEA countries in the specialty “Medicine”. The following applicants are ranked with their incoming numbers: Deadline until 15:30 p.m. on 31.10.2024. all approved candidates to confirm in the MU-Sofia Department of Education their interest […]

Start of the 2024/25 academic year for international students at MU-Sofia

залата с първокурсниците

The beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year for the international students at the Medical University – Sofia was given yesterday with a solemn ceremony in the Anatomical Auditorium of the Medical-Biological Complex. The new students filled the hall to hear the welcoming words of the university management – the Rector, Prof. Dr. Boycho Landzhov, MD, […]

The MU-Sofia team on the BRIDGE project gathered for a kick-off meeting

първа среща

All 22 people who participate in the international project A4L_BRIDGE on behalf of the Medical University-Sofia gathered at the first general meeting for the Bulgarian team. It was held at the Rectorate of MU-Sofia lead by Prof. Ventsislava Pencheva, MD, PhD, Deputy Rector for International Integration and Project Funding, and Prof. Antonia Yanakieva, PhD, Head of the […]

To the attention of first-year international students

чуждестранни студенти на първи учебен ден

The official start of the 2024/2025 academic year for international students at the Medical University of Sofia will take place on Monday, October 21st, at 10:00 a.m. in the Anatomical Auditorium of the Medical-Biological Complex, located at 51 Pencho Slaveykov Blvd. This year, the Medical University of Sofia welcomes 501 new students from 44 EU and non-EU countries, enrolled in programs […]