Krasi Pastirova

MU-Sofia part of the new European Genomic Data Infrastructure project (GDI)

лого на Европейска инфраструктура за геномни данни

On 17th of November, the European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) project kicks-off in Brussels, Belgium. The new €40 million GDI project, coordinated by ELIXIR, is jointly funded by the European Commission under the Digital Europe Programme and through co-funding from participating Member States. In the area of health, the Digital Europe Programme aims to support […]

University Ranking System Names Medical University – Sofia a Leader in Four Fields

Medical University – Sofia has once again been recognized as a leading university in four out of the five professional fields it offers. This achievement is reflected in the 12th annual university ranking system for 2022, published by the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria. In the fifth category, Healthcare, the university secured an […]

Workshop on "National Infrastructure Capacity in Translational Medicine"

The European Scientific Infrastructure for Translational Medicine EATRIS-ERIC in Bulgaria invites representatives of the interested scientific and academic teams to a workshop on “National Infrastructure Capacity in Translational Medicine”, which will be held on November 5, 2022 at 10 a.m. at the Sheraton Hotel . The working language during the meeting is English. The program […]

The Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence (BI4E) project launched with a Kick-off meeting hosted by the University of Rouen, France

On October 7, 2022, the first meeting of the team members of the Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence (BI4E) project took place at the University of Rouen in France.During this first meeting, the representatives of the BI4E team, representing the 8 partner universities of the INGENIUM Alliance, had the opportunity to get to know each other […]

MU-Sofia opens a competition for a project doctoral student in PN 4.2 Chemical Sciences at the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy

An international ALLPreT project was launched, aimed at developing new approaches and methods of analysis, enabling the safe introduction of new foods and protection from food allergies.The project is funded by the EC project under the Marie Curie doctoral training program, Horizon Europe.ALLPreT is a continuation of the EU COST Action ImpARAS project (Improved Allergen […]

International food allergy research consortium kicks off

The ALLPreT project, an international research consortium to develop new approaches, tools, and assays that enable the safe introduction of novel foods, has now kicked off. ALLPreT  is an EC funded Horizon Europe Marie Curie Doctoral Training Network project. ALLPreT has the objective of protecting humans from unacceptable food allergy risks. The consortium brings together […]


снимка далекопроводи

The Alliance for Life Sciences takes note of the impact of the energy crisis on research institutions and of the implications of rising operational costs at the sustainability of life science research,which during an emergency in energy supply brings up a significant risk of discontinuing current research and spoils the effort and resources spent on […]


панел за вход на студенти

You could check on your results from the exam on 17th of September on the following link: LOGIN CREDENTIALS: E-mail  write your PERSONAL e-mail and the password is your registration number (for ex 2000,2001,2002 etc.) Wishing you success! Admitted Candidates – Medicine 2022 Admitted Candidates – Dental Medicine 2022 Admitted Candidates – Pharmacy 2022


студентка пред черна дъска

The competitive examination will be held in English and will include basic knowledge and terminology in biology, chemistry and anatomy. The examination consists of five tasks: General biology terms to be matched with the correct definition. Questions with four answers, of which only one is correct. Grammatical and lexical knowledge in everyday phrases is assessed. […]