
The Russian government announced a competition for a Leading Scientist

Samara State Medical University, Russia, is inviting you to participate in a government-funded Megagrant with Russia’s Ministry of Science and Education. The maximum amount of the grant: 90 million rubles. Implementation period: 2021-2023 Aim of the Megagrant: creation of an international research laboratory in the universities, with the participation of a team of 2 young scientists […]

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH FOUNDATION (SRF) releases information on participation in a competition under the National Science Program “Peter Beron. Science and Innovation with Europe (Peter Beron and WE) ”

The overall goal of the program is to accelerate the reintegration and career development in Bulgarian universities and research organizations of promising scientists with internationally recognized scientific results. The program stimulates the development of the research potential in Bulgaria as a necessary fundamental step for the creation of a sustainable scientific and innovative environment and for […]

RECTOR’S MESSAGE OF CONGRATULATION ON THE OCCASION OF MAY 24th – The Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and of the Slavonic Script

DEAR COLLEAGUES AND STUDENTS! On my behalf and on behalf of the Management of Medical University – Sofia, accept our official congratulations on the occasion of May 24th – the Day of Bulgarian education and Culture and of the Slavonic script. This is the day on which we pay our respect to the equal-to-the-apostles Cyril and Methodius. […]

JRC – Science in Times of Crisis – EC-funded actions to address COVID-19

The European Commission has launched a second call for expressions of interest for research aimed at developing innovative and rapid health-related approaches to responding to COVID-19 and achieving results that will ensure a faster level of health system preparedness. (H2020-SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2). The topics are available to candidates on the official EC portal: ( 1. SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2A – […]

Prof. Hadjidekov – about learning with love “during cholera”

I’m Lubo, a fourth-year student. In the last 2 weeks, the Department of Imaging Diagnostics at the University Hospital “Alexandrovska” conducted a useful online course. Prof. Hadjidekov was brave enough, responsible enough and courteous enough to organize the young lecturers in the Department and together they managed to engage us sincerely. To inspire us. To […]

Current topics and publications of Euroguidance Bulgaria for 2019

The European Commission’s analysis of a recent international study on career guidance throughout life – policies and practices in the European Union, focuses on trends, challenges and opportunities in the sector. Lifelong career guidance aims to provide support for the professional development of people of all ages and at all stages of their careers. This […]

260 state-supported health mediators work in 136 municipalities in Bulgaria

260 state-supported health mediators work in Bulgaria in 136 municipalities. 50 new ones will study this year at the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University – Sofia. The training of health mediators is currently held online and is organized for the ninth consecutive year by the National Network of Health Mediators in partnership […]