The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) offers a dedicated source of funding for outstanding projects in ICGEB Member States, with the goal of promoting collaboration, training of young scientists and the development of research facilities. The programme provides support for research activities in: basic life sciences human healthcare industrial and agricultural biotechnology […]
Category: News & Events
Invitation to young scientists and PhD students: International Conference in Riga, online, 20-21.01.2022
The 12 European universities of the Alliance4Life consortium invite you to a scientific conference aimed at young scientists and PhD students, which will take place on January 20-21, 2022. The virtual meeting in Riga, Latvia will connect doctoral and post-doctoral students from leading research institutions in 11 European countries in interactive sessions, as well as […]
MU-Sofia and the Alliance INGENIUM with an invitation for the Symposium “Collaborative Digital Teaching Practice across Europe”
The INGENIUM Network is an alliance of eight institutions of higher education in eight European countries. Within the scope of the European University Networks (EUN) – national initiative, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is supporting the alliance with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The INGENIUM Networking Symposium is a […]
On 13th October, Samara State Medical University organizes the National Scientific Conference of young scientists with international participation: “Samara International Medical Science 2021” (SIMS 2021). You can register for the conference HERE The following participants under the age of 35 are welcome to participate: ● Young scientists ● Postgraduates ● Residents ● Students; Medical staff […]
10 Russian students completed an internship at MU-Sofia
The internship of 10 Russian students in the clinical bases of Medical University – Sofia ended with an official meeting with the Rector, Prof. Lachezar Traykov. The young medics gave him a picture with a view of the city of Samara as a souvenir, and he handed them the certificates for a summer internship and […]
Medical University – Sofia with another program for academic exchange with Russia
Once again, despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemic on the world, Medical University – Sofia has accepted ten medical students from Russia, who will spend a two-week summer internship at our university hospitals and will have the opportunity to observe the work of some of the best medical teams of ours. Ten students from […]
International scientific and practical conference “3D-technologies in clinical anatomy”, Samara 2021
Samara State Medical University (SamSMU) and the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) are holding an international scientific and practical conference “3D-technologies in clinical anatomy” in Samara on 10-12 September 2021. The conference is dedicated to the current problems of clinical, topographic and normal anatomy and the introduction of 3D-technologies into the scientific […]
The doctoral school of the Medical University of Warsaw invites foreign candidates to apply for a PhD programme in the disciplines of medical, health and pharmaceutical sciences. With the new recruitment process and a novel curriculum in English, international PhD candidates are offered the opportunity to pursue their PhD degree at the Medical University of […]
Erasmus + Webinar with the organizer of FM of MU-Sofia and partner of the University of Technology and Humanities Kazimierz Pulaski in Radom, Poland
On 28.05.2021 at the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University – Sofia was held International Erasmus + Webinar, including the two major topics: “Polymeric biomaterials for targeted drug delivery system for cancer therapy” with lecturer Associate Professor Ursula Piotrovska (Ph.D.), and the second topic was “Human transposons and the role of the endogenous reverse […]
European University – Tbilisi invites all students of MU-Sofia to attend online lectures organized on consecutive days for the period 21-30 June 2021. The two universities have been partners with each other for two years, according to a signed Agreement on cooperation in the field of medicine. The lectures are related to topics in the […]